3 Sunken swords in 2 days (11/14-11/15)




Any thoughts?

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I got two in two days while fishing for the seasonals. I did not get said seasonal until the next day.

Tryna trade me :eyes:

They are a mark of shame. I can’t believe I spent so much time getting that shit. Oh well, at least i have three headless heads now.

a seasonal item for a sunken sword that’s kinda bad
sunken swords kinda sleeper rn

Lucky. Sometimes I offer like 4 oaths and like 15 other boss drops and they still won’t accept :frcryin:

3 in 1 day :sunglasses:

smart lad, scrubbing the names off.

flashbacks to a month back:

random dude: give me 25 boss armor pieces and I’ll give a sunken sword.

you know what happened

Does that mean my 100 seasonals are actually worth something now??

maybe in the future

:fr: So they still have 0 worth

Even after what, 4 months?

Prob more like 5-6 months idk I dont count

I’d say they do have a worth now.

When TGR releases, sunken wont be worth much anymore since the new weapon range for sunken, oath, and vast will be 50-100 (which is basically 10 more levels after the current max).

great now give this absolute snack one

usage > vanity

hell yea

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