A disclaimer for mods

Hello, I wouldn’t have made this topic if I had the permission to private message users here, but I’m letting the mods here know that I’m making this my main account and my old account is (@anon32468667, previously known as The_elment/EYTSH), I do not have access to my old account but I’m making this anyway just in case any mod thinks something suspcious is up.

(I would’ve put this in my shop if I had permission to, but I don’t yet have the trust level to. Yes, I’m making a shop again go buy from it!!)


new Forumer

Also if I’m breaking any rules by doing this or if this is not allowed I would like a mod to let me know and this account can be deleted or something I dunno.

Welcome back :clap:

And yeah, I’m pretty sure creating new accounts is fine since your previous one is Anon’d and you informed the mods that it’s ur old account

it is now a non


ohh the_element i remember u

was it not “the_elment”?
Oh it was

It’s all good :+1:, welcome back

Thank you for letting us know, we appreciate it.

Yo whats up man welcome back to the forums :grin:

e-e-e-ELEMENT?? :face_holding_back_tears:

Damn. I didn’t expect there to be more than 1 person who did not mind me to the point where they would greet me when I came back, yall making me dislike this place less frfr!

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Holy shit is that hit Forumer The_Element returning back to the forums!?!?!?!

It is still very mind-boggling to me how a little goblin like you would get game mod, but uhhh congrats !!

I just noticed you called me a “hit forumer”, I’m honoured


Elment was so tired of people spelling his name wrong that he just made a new account entirely

W ELMENT IS BACK WOOO :partying_face:
