About Enchants (General Rule of Thumb)

The general rule of thumb when figuring out the value enchants have on items is their relation to the items’ boosts.

Say for example you have a magic size amulet, the best enchant would be Bursting because it provides more magic size. Something like Swift would decrease the value.

Let’s use another example. The best enchant on Sunken pieces is Hard because the armor gets even more armor.

Strong is the best enchant on swords.

There are some exceptions to this however, like the wizard robes. Wizard robes are valuable and useful with Hard and Power as their enchant, since they are armor but have power as their magic booster.

Quiz time. Choose the correct answers for the next 3 questions. Answer will be provided after you each question.

What is the best enchant on Power Amulets?

A. Swift

B. Power

C. Hard

D. Bursting

Answer: B - Power. Power amulets provide power and so does the power enchant.


What is better: Swift Vastira or Strong Vastira?

A. Strong

B. Swift

Answer: Strong. Strong is the best enchant on all weapons.


If I ever need help with trading, I should go to

A. Verified traders on the Forum

B . Someone in-game

C. A random person

D. Candice

Answer: A - Verified traders. Verified traders are very skilled in the art of trading, and they will give accurate information to you on values. Ever need help with a trade? Message a verified trader about it on the forum.

Just any experienced trader at this point tbh all of them are helpful, but verified traders are the best of the best I guess :face_with_monocle:

My apologies if this is a pointless question,
power and hard are not equally valuable enchantments for power amulets?

Bruh it’s clearly Candice.

Who’s Candice

Yeah I agree it doesn’t really matter

i mean it depends on what you want, and most people want powerful enchant

also give sunken bruh :relaxed:

Understood, and your request is denied

Hard and Powerful are the same value on

Wizard Gear

Power Amulets

Defense Amulets

as these are all items used in a power/hybrid setup.

Also verified trader doesn’t determine someone status generally within the trading community. Some people are prominent and helpful traders but don’t got the tag. Just get a general sense of who is respected and helpful in the community by observing the marketplace before partaking in it.

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