Alot of the active guilds, guild leaders, co leaders. Have been literally kicked from their guilds. Warning to all of you. DO NOT LOG ON
Oof I was just about to get on, thanks
Ok. I know I said I would lower my activity on the forums but this is sounds like an important matter. Any idea of what is going on? Know anyone who was affected by this bug?
I was. Everyone who was co leader plus (including me) was kicked from the guild
I should ask my friend if he’s still playing the game, then.
. . . Guess your friend is doomed
this has always been a thing since the very moment guilds were introduced
its only affecting some people, not everyone. Mostly leaderboard guilds from what I can tell.
seems like its been getting worse recently.
Perhaps he didn’t log in at all.
no it affects everyone
Isn’t happening to any of my friends who aren’t on leaderboard. maybe they lucky or smth but idk.
seems like it just so happened to affect 2 leaderboard guilds at around the same time which is causing people to freak out about it, it’s always been a known bug that sometimes u can randomly be kicked from your guild
Happened to me, entity, chimera and probably a couple other guilds who haven’t noticed it.
ok actually it might be happening more commonly, idk what’s causing it or how to prevent it
yeah it happened to my co leader twice today, 4 times yesterday, 3 times the day before. and I today and yesterday
This is such a fucked situation. I just lost my guild. I’m pissed, but I hope that everyone else learns about this faster than I did.
Oof it hasn’t happened to me and I’ve been playing the game a lot recently and I’m a Co-Leader. Guess I’m just lucky
yeah seriously good for you. you got hella lucky.
yep I just joined and got kicked from Azure lmfao