AO if it was good

Cargo inside the ship should only be lost at 50% so if your ship gets destroyed or you die in the dark sea to some bug (over half my deaths) you dont lose potential hours of grinding.

Losing hours worth of sealed chests is dumb in a game as unpolished as this and its honestly a drop the game worthy offense.


they took my suggestion privileges for being a bit too real so im posting this here

that’s how it was before but he reverted the change

suggestion out of suggestions!!!

Kenton swearing? This can’t be good…

Good idea tbh

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But he is actually cooking.

50% loss on death is a good punishment.

The Dark Sea will always be the last resort due to big amount of players being unable to spend so much time for coming back from there. I believe that there are a good amount of testers and balancers, who studies in universities, tech schools, colleges and etc. So you should understand this problem.

Could you atleast consider to lower the distance between ranges, if you have no rights to keep the chests? Please…

This fair af. Ive wasted so much hours ill never get back to so much bullshit. Darksea can have bugs and stuff and u can straight up disconnect

Anyways prolly wont happen

Fill ship with cargo, leave game, continue to sameria, boom instant cargo run with no risk.

what if when you die all the cargo on your ship gets stored inside, and then you lose half of it

yeah losing half seems pretty fair you can even impement this on disconnects with an exception to dark sea