AO's PvP Problems (And How to Resolve Them)

ketches don’t have rams, imo a caravel is still better.

no more ketch vs caravel argument.
there’s a clear and obvious winner but lets not get into it here because that conversation has already happened elsewhere.

it’s relevant to the discussion because the deckhand argument relies on the belief that ketches are better than caravels, but i understand if you’d rather not talk.

no it isn’t reliant on that belief at all???
you can put deckhands on caravels too, there’s just one or two less slots, I forgot.

the argument there will be completely void anyways when the frigate is added so there is literally 0 reason to continue it.

Cause ur a criminal and there should be some risk in the reward of absolute “freedom”
But I do agree jail sucks and we don’t need it.

sounds like “but the lore” to me.
I’ve played a criminal character and I felt much much more restricted than I’ve ever felt as a positive rep, don’t tell me anything about freedom lol.

the reason why it’s reliant on it is because it depends on you having a large number of deckhands, which is impossible with a caravel. The benefits provided by 2 deckhands aren’t a massive incentive to pvp for the average player.

The. Argument. Is. Completely. Void. Because. Frigate. Is. Planned.
More cannons. More deckhands. It has a ram. More health. Probably slightly slower than ketch but it might do that better too.

What I’m saying here is that caravel and ketch are going to be completely left in the dust anyways so who cares which is better?

i’m discussing the current state of the game, not the future. my perspective might shift after the frigate is implemented, but only time will tell. if it has a bunch of deckhand slots then i can definitely see deckhand stacking becoming a balancing issue

Of course its going to have a bunch of deckhand slots, its a frigate.

there’s no definite answer yet. the game doesn’t always prioritize realism: for example, jail times are much shorter than they would be lore-wise, because of balancing, and the fact it’d be unfun for people to spend extremely long time periods in jail. this same game design style may apply to the frigate’s slots.

Yes, there is. Bad should be punished, after all, it’s just that the way it’s implemented is so lame.

You LITERALLY just suck at PVP. “Blind luck”? “SLOW”?

WoM PVP? That’s slow. But AO PVP can be so much faster. Even using mage, arguably the slowest build in game can still feel like fast paced PVP.

The game has aim based PVP. If you can’t aim, obviously it’ll feel so boring and it’s just explosion spam(although you can still have fun with a no skill build)

“At your skill level” you can’t expect exciting PVP when your fighting against a player that’s as slow as you are. You get better by fighting people better than you are.

“Bad should be punished”
Positive reps can be assholes too, why aren’t they thrown in a pit for 10 minutes when they die.
Infact I’d dare say that I’ve seen far more positive rep assholes than negative rep assholes.

that whole logic screams “lore” and its stupid.

I know I suck at it.
I have literally 0 incentive to get any better at it because it feels fucking miserable to participate in.
There’s plenty of other games with enjoyable pvp right from the start, what’s this one’s excuse?


I’m kinda split here. I haven’t gotten into the pvp very heavily because I always feel as if I need a better build, so I spend tons of time grinding (thanks RNJesus) instead of practicing. And the few times I have pvp’d of my own free will, it SUCKS since I have little experience. I really would like to learn it more, but at the same time I don’t want pvp to be the only thing I have to look forward to. Also, constantly losing (fights AND money) just sucks, especially in this game. I feel that it can be frustrating and somewhat unfair, but I don’t put that much time into it, so I can’t blame anyone but myself. So I can’t really say it’s a general problem. Though I think having pvp being locked to players within your level instead of being above an arbitrarily low level is a very good idea! It would help avoid stupid greifing.

I would have to disagree. While I think that forcing players to do something upon arrest could theoretically work, it’d be pretty difficult and the way it’s implemented right now is just awful. Why yes, I do enjoy waiting 10 minutes + an extra 1-2 minutes per execution on arrest.

the risk is losing bounty and gold, as well as executions

You lose bounty and gold when you’re arrested OR assassinated.

not sure what that has to do with sitting in a concrete box for 10 minutes being a good thing regardless of whatever features are in that box.

how does bro know about african churches :sob:

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Literally doing the opposite of what the game considers as good is what I mean. I’m not saying “the lore”, I’m just saying that’s how the game is built.

I guess that’s just your opinion.