AR Thread #1 Revamp Test Edition!

Wait so what’s even in the revamp besides visual

also if its anything like d3 maura isn’t the hardest boss in the first sea anymore

bunch of nerfs

Thank god

thank god

good practice

How u get this game pass

is it out?

theres children in arcane reborn

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if you have the test universe gamepass (offsale now), it’s out

yeah i found it, playing rn

they did a great job balancing all other first sea bosses but verdies didn’t need steroids

They should give him adderall too

they buffed trial of endurance what the hell

Wdym buffed it?

you have to kill 150 instead of 100 now
what the fuck

Why… I can’t think of a single reason that would justify making the most boring bandit beating quest take longer

Also I heard that apparently the swimming got revamped and it’s bad now, is it true?

yes, it sucks


yay another game for me to play at 5 frames. in all seriousness i am a little bit excited to play but im pretty concered that its high graphs is gonna make it unbearable for me to pvp. i run the game at like 30 fps at 4 graphics so not sure how ill feel about the revamp

it was never 100