Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

It seriously depends on what they’re using but yea

They beat out berserkers in CQC because of 3 things:
M1 knockback on berserker being much more prevalent than on weapons
Berserker clientside frame drops (i.e. thermofist smoke particles lagbombing the user)
M1 stun on berserker being way longer

This quest really wasn’t all that hard
Literally just use a flintlock and you can kill a shark in around 20 seconds after finding one, only problem is like white eyes but you shouldn’t be farming those to begin with?

the sharks never show up when you expect them to, and why would a berserker (or mage in the potions update) use a flintlock?

To get the sailor style quest done
Or to kill them underwater if they lack a magic able to fire blasts underwater

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they’d do laughable damage though, wouldn’t they?

they do enough damage, i’ve killed 3 white eyes using a bow, musket, and gun as a mage

Exhaustion mechanic is still not done right, I can see it being abused in team fights regardless of any changes :skull:

Can agree with this ngl, I get that swimming drains stamina to prevent players from swimming from island to island and force them to use a boat but seeing how stamina is increased until lvl 1000, it’ll come to a point where it’ll be possible to do so

Better to just increase shark spawning to make the water dangerous and actually somehow make swimming from island to island very hard than making stamina drain


Magic is literally determined at birth this is like comparing the ability to cook a cuisine vs having red hair (naturally)

me after dying my hair

Counter this

yeah i forgot about this, my bad.

Not me adding natural lot before you typed this nitwit

then either it’ll be amended to the lore or the method will be purely gameplay

My balance ideas in one post so I can link it.


Heat magics often outclass cold magics due to their dot, synergies, and the greater number of heat magics.


Underwater synergies:
Applies during rain at 1/2th or 1/4th effectiveness


  • No change from the doc except earth

Environmental Soaked (rain, ocean):

  • Water: 0% → +10%
    -Water should be able to take advantage of this environmental effect just like other cold magics.


  • Slow Health Regen
    -More use alone.


  • Replaced with soaked when hit by heat magics

Hypothermia: Takes the place of freezing for cold temperatures (Parity with sweating)

  • Water: +15%
  • Ice: +15% (Ice had no cold temp advantage previously since it was freezing status)
  • Snow: +15%


  • Water: Clears -20% → Clears and +15%
  • Snow: Clears -10% → Clears and +15%
  • Ice: -10% → Clears and +20%
    -Thermal shock can induce shock whenever someone undergoes a rapid temperature change. Extra paralysis would be too op.

Burning, Melting, and Scorched:

  • Applies Scalded when hit by water
  • Applies Soaked when hit by ice/snow
  • Ice clears them all but keeps its negative synergies.


  • Size 1.2x → 1.25x
    -Should be size magic, Water nerfs were already aggressive. Size scaling getting nerfed overall.


Give a separate identity to cold magics with a higher focus on direct dmg and working with the environment. Make scalded more unique from burning.


Redundant magics, weapons, and fighting styles during imbuements are useless to use together.

Proposal: Advanced Statuses like gouged

All are unclearable
Same interactions as base status unless explicitly stated.

Soaked + Soaked (Sailor, Sunken Sword, Water) = Drenched

  • Slowed?
  • Stronger synergy (1.5x)?
  • 10% self synergy like with environmental (since no dot)?
  • Higher temp decrease
    Same idea for charreds advanced status but no conjurer can use Triasta skills so ignoring it rn.

Burning + Burning (fire, thermo) = Blazing

  • Higher temp increase
  • Higher DOT

Bleed + Bleed (metal, glass, iron leg, weapons) = Gouged

  • Planned

Poison + Poison (Poison Tooth Dagger, Poison) = Toxic

  • Higher DOT or half health regen

Knockback + Knockback (Boxing + Wind) = Bruised

  • Planned
  • Increase knockback instead of removing it


Give a reason to use redundant imbuements.


Water combat sucks and is impossible for many players who picked heat magics. Diving is also becoming important next update so heat magics will be left useless.


All heat magics besides magma become steam underwater.

  • Stats are close to wind but worse speed and size.
  • Gives scalded
  • No underwater size boost

Magma becomes obsidian underwater.

  • Recolor glass black
  • Platforms were abused to keep stam anyway.

All other magics including ice and snow are made able to go underwater

Dashes, airstep, magic jump, and dash skills move you in the direction of your camera.

  • 3/4th the normal distance
  • Regular dashes can still strafe
  • Need movement to dodge attacks

Stamina is no longer drained just for swimming

  • Shark spawns increased to still make it dangerous
  • Doesn’t make it just attrition until one of you runs out of stam and drowns
  • Alternatively no longer drain after awakening or with water breathing potions

Fix targeting underwater for non-projectiles if it isn’t already patched.

Reduced size overall underwater?:

  • Water pressure
  • Underwater size boosts still apply, but maybe nerfed.

Air movement and magic jumps are replenished in water


Make water combat possible and not absurdly one sided towards the slow magic pulsar that you can’t dash away from. Some players are just screwed when sharks appear since they can’t use any moves in water. Underwater synergy magics still better underwater.


Pulsar benefits from low speed.


Remove the Pulse Rate setting: Pulse rate will be based on speed and the new duration setting. Lower duration = higher pulse rate. (Maybe no change with duration, instead cd change may be enough).

Travel Distance Setting: The pulsar will travel a set distance over a set time so slow magics aren’t the only ones who can gain a boost from low travel distance.

Duration Setting: Pulsar will exist for x time. Higher duration lowers travel speed and vice versa. Increases CD.

Remove pulsar impact dmg. Increase clash rate.
Make it stop being used as a better blast.


Allows Pulsar to have advantages for both slow and fast magics. Fast magic pulse faster and slow magics pulse slower with more dmg per pulse. Pulsar can be tailored to be used to zone a small area out for a time or a column.


I don’t think pulsars should be changed yet, Since theres already planned nerf. and changing anything on top of it could be very bad and unforseen problems so maybe be considered after the current nerfs are tested first. But i think the magic speed effects pulsar speed to much, so easy fix is to halve it, so magic speed doesn’t change the speed of pulsar to drastically.

Advance Statuses
I like the idea, but i don’t believe it should be implemented for base magics/weapons but the ideas of Gouged,Drenched,Toxic and Bruised is really good for lost/ancient magics. Problem is that if a base magic like poison gets toxic, giving it essentially a stacked version is to powerful for it.

Status Effect synergy
I agree with making most of it more positive synergies. Clears for ice should be 15%, 20% is a bit strong since ice base dmg is not bad.
Believe Soaked alone should add a 10% movement nerf (cause ur heavier etc)
Don’t think the explosion size changes should be considered, Its fine at 1.2.

Water combat/Movement
Non-fast/slow swiming/Not using crtl Swimming should not Use any energy at all, But the fast swimming should use energy then when running out switch back to slow swimming.
Heat magic evaporating instantly should be reworked, If game goes to much into revolving sea-based activties. The heat magic should simply get a 10-40% dmg nerf (depending on how much heat so fire 40%, explosion 20% etc) and size,speed nerf as well. No dmg at all would simply just make the magics useless.

As with gouged being 35% instead of 50% the dot would not be straight double. The advanced statuses are just something to make redundant statuses not useless.

I thought of this after I saw earth get .05 size reduction and than it being reverted due to size formula changes. I feel like the .025 dmg reduction and .1 size reduction is too much after the size nerfs this update. I feel like it should should be 1.25 to be larger than metal especially and to maintain being a size magic.

bruh you are cringe as hell to want a magic reset because “my magic might be… BADBADABDBDABADBBADD???/!?” after it gets balanced

And even then, it would still fall behind the other DoTs, since they can Synergize with bleed for more damage, with some magics not even clearing the bleed, meaning hybrid classes can have 2 DoTs going on at the same time.

Especially since anything that could apply a advanced status doesn’t synergize with said advanced status. Unless I can get some soaked synergy for water since water lacks dot.

y…y-ess… senpai.