Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

So far reading this comment section i have seen people focus mostly on 3 things,

  1. “Pulsar nerf”
  2. mage nerf
  3. buffing elements so they can match

And my Thoughts about it.
1.“Pulsar Nerf” -
Balance patches sometimes require several changes, give them time to figure out what’s optimal for pulsar.

2. “Mage nerf” -
Every mage does some kind of effect compared to other classes, and this patch effects/DOT are getting an enormous rework/buff, not only that but the damage multipliers on multiple effects increase as well.
Auras - Able to cancel at any time now, subtracts the remaining duration of the aura from the cooldown

3. “Buff elements so they can match” -
Every element should be and is bad in some situation, and it’s up to people who choose their elements, and if they think they made a mistake they can switch their stats in patch 1.12

Dont forget FS buffs ;D

Acid kinda completely breaks this rule. A lot of magics have way more good situations than bad situations and others have 3x as many bad situations as good situations.

I’d argue it’s up to the balance people to make sure the elements are balanced so people can pick what they want and not be at a huge disadvantage. The magics are sold as all balanced compared to each other. Now they need to make sure that it actually is like that and make sure some magics aren’t wildly stronger or wildly weaker. A mistake in picking an element should be the balance people’s job to make that element match up to others.

Emphasis on ‘some situation’.

Some elements are JUST bad in everything when compared to others.
There is a clear distinction between every element having it’s strong and weak points and having elements that are JUST outclassed and made obsolete by other elements.

arcane gaslighting
you confuse your body to change your magic

I’d argue it’s up to the balance people to make sure the elements are balanced so people can pick what they want and not be at a huge disadvantage. The magics are sold as all balanced compared to each other. Now they need to make sure that it actually is like that and make sure some magics aren’t wildly stronger or wildly weaker. A mistake in picking an element should be the balance people’s job to make that element match up to others.)

To argue about it you a person should first define what a “strong” or “weak” is.

Disadvantage against who? a npc/player?, there are different leagues of skill level which can make a someone who’s good enough never at a disadvantage whatever his element is, so im just sharing my perspective that the elements are all equal already and the differences must be filled in with experience/skill level not with buffs.
This is strictly my perspective only and i might be wrong.

A tldr:
Strong: Metal, magma, acid, earth, crystal, explosion

Glass level: Glass

Everything else is somewhat balanced but light and lightning may get a small damage buff, fire and poison get a size buff. Size and damage scaling is nerfed so everything will do less, 10% damage boost on awakening removed for mage and bers, aura nerfed, FS buff, pulsar nerfed, spell explosion changes

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Forget about skill levels for a moment and compare two magics SOLELY by their numbers and status effects.
Does one have a CLEAR advantage over the other that outweighs the other magic’s strong points? Yes? Then one of them is unbalanced.

If each one has it’s strong and weak points and the numbers make things more or less even if you take everything in consideration, then they’re okay.

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Me thinks these amy be underpowered
Magics on the vertical
Statuses on the horizontal

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Haven’t really looked into this [ World of Magic Clash Rates - Google Sheets], anyway with all the effects/multipliers/clash rates an AI could have a totally unfair match which would need an instant balance patch, but with players the variables become uncalculatable and the effects/multipliers/clash rates depends solely on the player. [Meaning it doesn’t matter which elements is vs which element when a player is involved]
This is my perspective only, that’s why it should be confusing, it might be wrong, and it please don’t try to make me think otherwise :))

And that’s only talking about status effects and synergies, right? If you consider the magic’s raw stats. Some get even worse…

Like glass. LOL

Can you look at this, the top 2 sections at least. Also, snow still clears scalded and both snow and water are rebuffed by scalded. Doesn’t matter alone but does matter in team fights.

I’m assuming this patch should go live soon, right? considering Vetex will be back tomorrow (I think? At least according to discord).

The fact that Glass remains unchanged makes me think the balancing team doesn’t care about it at all. Nor they care about the few people that use glass as a primary…

Maybe this was a hint…? :frcryin:

Screenshot (30)

I give it at least a week or two more after vet gets back since some diving spots require potions.

what they’re talking about there is why the fuck do you think GLASS RESISTANCE would be a good idea

Nah it was sending a subliminal message that glass contains ass and you shouldn’t use it. They will also refuse to buff it.

I know lol. It was just a joke.

Exactly! It’s a conspiracy against glass users!

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None of those except glass is underpowered

glass resistance aura is arguable more sensible than a metal SPEED aura, yet they are buffing one and nerfing the other


I’m really confused on what this means, is this a nerf?