Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Turn on different first page please. And move the image to the first page header

hell no.

We forgot to add endlag Inferno. That’s why they are wondering what is going on.

It’s still their fault for not reading the rest though so we’re good.


Also you never answered this


@Professionalinbounde @SpectreTheFox

Did we not talk about it in gen chat

You never answered the environmental synergy section for water

Also someone tell vet to increase rain and whirlpool generation by 200x


But no to the underwater synergy thing.

Freezing sounds interesting but I’m not sure on that especially since Ice used to have a DoT and that was smited (that’s just DoT with extra steps).

Nvm, I realize what ya meant.
For the environmental soaked synergy I was thinking vet could take advantage of the thing that adds ownership to statuses to disable negative synergies. If it just has no owner than it could synergize

Also btw, snow can do a funny insta freeze with cold temps on whitesummit rn, since cold temps just give freezing.

Pretty sure it was frostbite (which is planned to be readded with an interaction between wind and water, though it’d be cool if wind imbued sailor style made it every time on hit, and there was also a lost magic that would openly apply it)

“Uhm akshually wind resistansh ish weaker! Sure glash is really brittle, but at least it’s solid! How would a coat of air protect you more than a coat of hard glash?”

:nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

Yeah. I think with an interaction we have a valid excuse since it’s a combo rather than the magic just having it.

@Fluect Any possibility for glass to get gouged? It is quite lacking rn. I haven’t seen any other buffs for glass so far.

Unless it’s broken again, u can’t deal Frozen from environmental freezing.

Once again nothing has really been decided for Glass yet. There probably won’t be any changes until we decide on what should be done about dupe-status imbuements, most people seem to agree on the +10% idea but I honestly cannot see a world where that ends well for some combos like Metal.

I might just cave on the idea since it’s a majority in favor but I don’t want the meta shifting from Metal mage to Metal conj

Huh, does it just share a name and do nothing else? or does it have separate synergies. If so I need em to add to wikiii

No u just can’t apply Frozen from temp interactions

Also since I just remember u making this claim from a few weeks ago, no Water is not neutral temperature, it’s just cold. If u charge energy it doesn’t reduce ur temperature if ur cold or increase ur temperature if ur hot.

Oh really that’s weird, I thought the whole point of temperature freezing was to be a synergy

Thats, very annoying for information and stuff. So your saying I just need to have a seperate thing for freezing and enviromental freezing? But they share a name and only have 1 different synergy?

Wouldn’t it be metal warlock? Also with the speed changes and iron leg speed changes it could be balanced by speed. Maybe…


I think that’s what most people believe but I’m extremely unsure of that.

Forgot it would be just all double bleed including weapons. Perhaps it would only apply to things that apply the status regardless of dmg?