Ash (The Rebellion, chapter one)

You’d best hope that you don’t fail, emperor.” The voice in Nova’s head boomed, “The last time I tried to spark something this big, my ally betrayed me at the last minute. Sending all of my plans spiraling out of control… Do not make the same mistake he did.

“I would never.” Nova answered with conviction, “You’ve given me the chance to forge a new path for my people. Not to mention your… gift, to me.”

Nova felt the voice grin, he shuddered at the sudden chill it brought, “Good. Now… I believe your people are expecting a speech. Remember, the best lie is a half truth.

“What do you think we’ll find at bell village?” Barry asked, as the group waited for Kevin to get back from his scouting trip.

“No idea,” Sera said, “Wizards maybe?”

Tessa shuddered, “Gods, I hope not. The last time I fought a wizard, I was hospitalized for a week.”

Barry nodded, “Not your greatest moment.”

“Guys…” Kevin’s voice called out from the foliage. His face was pale, and twisted in a mixture of horror and shock. “Yer… Gonna want 'ta see this…”

“Why? What did you see?” Sera asked, “How many hostiles?”

Kevin shook his head. He tried to speak, but whatever he was going to say died in his throat. Instead, he merely motioned for the group to follow, and lead them towards Bell Village.

One thing immediately became clear to the group as they arrived at the edge of the Whispering Forest, the foliage was blackened and charred as if somebody had set the edge of the forest ablaze. The ground was also sprinkled with what looked to be salt, ensuring that nothing would grow here again for a very long time.

As she stepped into the clearing that housed Bell Village, Sera’s jaw dropped.

The entire clearing was scorched and salted as the edges of the Whispering Forest was, but what really shocked her; was the fact that Bell Village itself lay in ruins. The wooden walls were burned and collapsed. Most of the buildings were assorted bits of rubble and ash. The streets were almost impassible with how much loose rock and concrete littered them.

“What the hell…?”

“There’s more.” Kevin said with a solemn look. “Follow me.”

Kevin led them through the village. The damage was even worse on the inside. Most buildings were reduced to rubble, and even the ones that still stood were clearly hit with a lot of force. The only building that looked completely unharmed was a large warehouse near the back of the town. Which looked to be where they were going.

Kevin stood at the front of the warehouse. “Commander,” he said, addressing Sera, “I think it would be best if… you were the only one who looked in here for the time being. The sight is… Awful. That’s the only way 'ta describe it.”

“Very well, secure the perimeter.” Sera ordered as she opened the door to the warehouse. The group quickly complied.

A foul smell assaulted her nose. Sera gagged at the eye-watering stench that permeated the building. She opened the door a bit wider to let some fresh air and light in. Unfortunately for her, the additional light revealed the source of the odour.


The decaying flesh of these poor souls festered with maggots and flies. Bloodstains were everywhere. The bodies didn’t belong to any specific group or organization. It looked as though every civilian in Bell Village was rounded up and slaughtered.

Sera was horrified at what she saw. It only got worse when she looked at the back wall, and saw a single word written in the blood of the villagers. She swallowed nervously as she considered the implications of this message. Before her body couldn’t take the stress anymore, and vomited.

Traitors, the message read.

The Silent Tower, 6PM, 5 hours after Sera reached Bell Village

“I’m glad you could join us, King David.” The captain greeted, “My name is Captain Richard, I’m one of the captains that the MC assigned to this mission.”

“A pleasure.” The king responded, “What have you summoned me here for?”

“Straight to business, I see. Very well, you’ve dispatched a force to capture Bell Village as we requested, yes?”

“I have. A squad of skilled recruits was sent to scout the village and take it, if there wasn’t any resistance.”

The captain looked concerned, “…Recruits you said? That seems a little…”

“Reckless? Irresponsible? Foolhardy, perhaps? Captain, Bell Village is too far away from New Alalea for them to offer any military support. The only defense of the town, if any, would be a small militia and maybe some support from Rockhollow.” The king explained.

“Be that as it may… I’m still worried for them.”

“Then maybe we should mobilize a force of MC soldiers and Castelian guards to help them hold the town. The quicker we act, the faster we can send a force to support them.”

“…You did this on purpose, didn’t you? To get us to act faster?”

The king shrugged, “What can I say? You guys have always been slow to act when it comes to big threats.”

Bell Village, the next day

“How’re yeh holdin’ up, commander?” Kevin asked.

“I… I just don’t understand.” Sera responded, “Why would someone do this?”

Kevin looked like he might be sick, “It… Gets worse.” He held out a sheet of paper, “Tessa found this document when she was clearing the mayor’s house. I… Told her and Barry what we saw in the warehouse. I thought they deserved the right 'ta know…”

Sera took the paper and read it:

The vast majority of Bell Village has refused to volunteer. Of the hundreds of inhabitants, only a handful of people have decided to offer service to the cause. Mayor Oswald, you are to round up everyone who didn’t offer military service. You will then give them to a group of soldiers. Afterwards, you will be given an escort that will guide you to Rockhollow. Your loyal leadership skills will be needed there. As for the traitors, most of them will be… Dealt with, if you understand my meaning. The others will be put to work in the mines near Rockhollow. The Alalean people have no tolerance for cowards who refuse to fight for the greater good.

Glory to the New Alalean Empire.
- Imperial Captain Brooks

Sera’s knuckles turned white as she clenched them in rage. The Alaleans slaughtered their own people for refusing to risk their lives.

“Kevin…” Sera struggled to keep her voice even, “How long ago do you think this happened?”

“Hard 'ta say… Most likely-” His voice failed for a moment, “most likely before they declared war against the MC. Judging by the level of decay in the bodies…”

“Is there anything else you wished to report?” Sera said, getting up.

“Yes. Allied forces have arrived in the village.” Kevin said, having recovered his resolve. “Barry and Tessa are bringing them up 'ta speed now.”

“Good, let’s show them the warehouse and this document. I have a feeling that our next target will be the town of Rockhollow. Let’s pay this ‘Mayor Oswald’ a visit, shall we?”


Inefficient. They should have held them as slaves and used them for cannon fodder against the Castelians.

that was the plan

HoW CoUlD My oWn vIlLaGe dO ThIs!!111!?1/1/?!1!1/1!11

:frhigh: :+1:

Welp, TGR will kill all of them anyways.

Will just have to find another small village to call home because edgy backstory

try riverville

Screenshot 2021-02-26 at 5.33.07 PM


Doom village?

Storm village?

Small, poor, and somewhere near snow.

Preferably in the North Sea, so it’ll be a while before I can rewrite Fang’s backstory.



Gotta be somewhere near or at somewhere really cold

Also has to have dark wizard / other attacks, somewhat poor and not populous for it to work


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