Ban rework

Pretty much i have just seen alot of ppl complaining about false bans so why not just make every ban(except manual ones) just have one hour first then one day for the second strike on the same account then a week then a month and so on untill like a year where its just permanent cause then actual hackers would just leave and false banned players would be alot more careful


The issues with false banning have already been addressed and people who were actually false banned can appeal.


Yea it doesnt make sense for every ban to be permanent, especially when not every person who gets false banned will be able to prove they weren’t. From the perspective of a someone who isnt a mod it looks like the current system is one with a guilty until proven innocent mentality


Yes we can appeal but without concrete evidence i couldnt get unbanned and my pc isnt one to be able to record and game

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Although I’m pretty sure they need video proof to appeal.

@ThatOneGuy commence the seance


Do we need to have evidence though?

I can’t run any clipping software on my laptop so if I get banned that’s it for me :skull:

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Quite intrestingly, Clipping software is needed but all the cases where it has been used it hasn’t been needed, there are only 2 known false positives right now and both can be done w/o clipping, of course those two false positives (Levelling/ The funny prince revon ban) are the only known one so if there is any other ban reason they need to be proven with clip evidence :fr:


I just wish clipping wasn’t needed to get unbanned though

Doesnt seem like theres an alternative to clipping, but an easy fix would be for bans to just not all be perma

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Appeal deez nuts. :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Another point of mine is that pretty much every false ban has to do with lag and if a computer cant even receive data properly how are they supposed to record the whole time


I don’t believe that all bans should be permanent right away, but with how ineffective the anti-cheat is right now, I don’t think we have many other realistic options.

Maybe player submitted reports should always be perma-bans, but automatic bans from the anti-cheat should be temporary, with the length depending on what it banned you for.



Absolutely, i think this is how everyone feels.

not necessarily
ive played with many different levels of lag, and ive never gotten banned from flings/sealed chests/chests
so yea idk about that
as crimson said theres only a few false bans that weve actually gotten evidence for, and the leveling doesnt need evidence.
only problem i have is mods dont take appeals too seriously, and most dont bother with checking stats to match it up, and use “no proof no appeal”.
i get their thinking though, tickets are extremely tedious (no idea how sleepy does thousands per month)

Honestly this entire thing seems quite redundant, Anticheat is definently flawed but now I can assure you false bans almost never happen, The “opening chests” or “being flung” thing while laggy is a rumor and oddly enough, nobody on the staff team (or any testers in general iirc) have ever experienced this, not only that but out of what is most likely thousands of “exploiting chest” appeals, nobody has submitted a SINGLE valid clip, so it is pretty safe to assume that it isn’t a false positive. If course, if a ban is legitimately false and someone appeals it, they will be unbanned, If it is proven that a ban reason is a false positive, people will start being eligible for an unban w/o clip requirement. Permanent bans exist to keep an exploiter banned, If they have obtained an unfair advantage, it is only fair that they have it taken away. if we wiped them of all their items/ stats, that would only make it tedious for the supervisors, and also make it harder for us to look into stuff later on :fr: , If i’m not getting the point here please tell me :+1:


The process of appealing seems to be the source of all our false ban paranoia. Also thousands is insane

Your almost undoubtedly right about the appeals not all being correct, or even entirely false relating to lag, but IF there were a false ban the chances of coming back to the game are slim to none with the current process. Perma bans make sense if the proof very solid, which is probably applicable to all of the cases you have come to mind, but in cases which are minor or not completely solid it makes sense for it to be week or month long followed by a perma after another report. This does sound like more work for mods though, so im curious if you think its practically feasible?

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