Best Magic for a Strength Build?

  • Crystal
  • Earth
  • Ice
  • Magma
  • Wood

0 voters

I’ve looked at these five magics specifically when considering the idea for a strength build. The reason I chose these five only are due to mainly bleed synergy and defensive benefits against certain status effects. Additional reasons for picking these magics would be clashes, as most of these magics have at least decent clash rates, which can protect the strength user from oncoming magic attacks if they can’t block or dodge, or are trying to close distance.

Other magics I’ve considered include Acid, Fire, Plasma and Wind, but I don’t believe these four magics are as good as the five I’ve decided to pick, due to either clashrates or weaker bleed synergies. If you disagree, feel free to rebut me in the comments below. This post is mainly to start a discussion.

What about earrape magic glass?

I wasn’t looking for magics that passively cause bleeding, as weapons would already do that with a strength build. I value magics that synergize with the applied affect rather than stack/apply it.

Oh my bad lol that makes sense

You’re fine.

magma or wood defo

I expected Magma to pull ahead. Only “downside” is its speed.

Wood bad

ye, the amount of effects it clears, its clashes and its good bleed synergy are all amazing. Not to mention how puddles help limit the area and how dot is actually kinda nice with weapons. furthermore 2 out of the 3 best weapons force you to get up close (vast and sunken sword) which is what magma is great at so even its speed doesnt really matter too much.

Indeed. It would seem that there is an unrivaled victor of this competition.

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im currently finishing a magma weapon main file and its both good and fun. One thing you gotta keep in mind tho is that any pve without an oath sucks. Oath carries the pve side of weapon mains so hard its insane. So ye get an oath asap when lvling up your weapon main file

Alright, I’ll take note of that. Thanks.

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forgot to say that vast is also good for pve but only when dealing with lower lvl threats like dark wizards/bandits

Oath deals better with them tho vast still works well and same for a sunken sword.

For boss fights tho, my previous comment holds up 100%

I was thinking that Earth would be good due to it’s positive clashes and large size, which would protect the user from oncoming magic attacks. Its 25% damage bonus on bleeding targets without cauterizing was also a nice feature to make up for its lack of defense against status effects.

But I’m still thinking Magma has it better.

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