Boss difficulty ranking(spoilers obviously)

any ar boss is harder than elius

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at the intended level youā€™re meant to fight elius, heā€™s probably (consistently) the most bullshit boss in the game.

Calvus isā€¦ weirdā€¦ itā€™s hard to compare him to elius or any boss really since his attack pattern is incredibly inconsistent, sometimes heā€™s around the same level as carina, others, he makes elius look like childsplay.

the only difficult part of elius is the terrain destruction, and even that isnā€™t really an issue

Depends on the build and what youā€™re using, I used thermo on my warlock (I was pumping strength only so was going berserker for a while, I was ~level 50) and just m1ā€™d him to death during one of skills.

Seriously, Shura does little to no damage the only damage he does is acid and he canā€™t even hit you since heā€™s so slow in attacking. Shura is basically the training wheels, Iris is basically the exact same but with more hp and more attack speed. You can solo them on your own easily with a few flintlock shots which you can get in Redwake, the first location in the game.

How tf is Carina in front of Argos???

Ooooo I agree with most of this list - but let me give you my personal list and my quick reasonings:
I run the game at 1 graphics with around 15-20 FPS average with some dips. Take this as a note that blocking is not an option for me!
I also believe difficulty depends on your class, some are easier depending on your build.

I dont think it would be fair to give Kai or Merlot a rating - mostly because Merlot doesnt have an actual arena, which is kinda shit [and I also have not fought him]
And Kai is so easily cheesable, using him for XP could get you banned. But I have fought Kai, he does a LOT of damage.

#6 - Shura
I believe Shura is just outright fodder - you can get a flintlock guaranteed by completing one of the quests at redwake and get 50 bullets. You also get to use your magic in tandem and his attacks are easily readable.
This is a GREAT first boss, as heā€™s essentially a tutorial.

#5 - Iris
I know its odd to rank her above Shura, but Shura is so obscenely easy whether you pick up the flintlock or just use magic.
Iris can be very tedious depending on your build but she is just a tiny bit higher than Shura. Even in my 0-stats build, she was only mildly an issue, not close to being major.

#4 - Carina
She runs in a straight line. Just run away from her and shoot her. Itā€™s a learning experience at worst - which trust me, I died to carina like 20 times until I figured out she likes running in a line.

#3 - Calvus
Not really any major attacks that scare me? Even for my no-stat build, just having good defensive items makes this fight a joke. He cant even really combat you if you have ranged setups - whether it be guns, magic, bows, or all of the above as I did in my 0-stat and my main files.

#2 - Argos
He has the same issue as Calvus, which is actually made up by his 2nd phaseā€™s gravity-pull-thing and his giant shockwave AOE. My only complaint? The giant shockwave AOE is just kinda annoying. My worst experience is that it just puts my camera in the wall.
Apart from that, good defence = easy

#1 - Elius
Elius is mean and rude and I dislike him and I hate him.
I wish he was as easy and predictable as every single other boss - but he isnt.
Ranging from his arenas destruction being able to sandwhich you between the floor and stone, to his regen move being able to apply way too quickly in succession in comparison to a mages recharge, he can start the fight by using his regen but not always, his movement speed is so quick that a low end pc [mine] cannot keep up with it, and worst of all

The level youre suggested to fight him at 99% of the time is not okay unless you were already running high defence and/or majority ranged.

I wish they would just make it so that anything that has its foundation destroyed, also gets destroyed. So we donā€™t have floating stone. Because if that were the case, I would not have these types of issues.

The level cap for calvus needs to be heightened - because if you go there as a regular player and hey! Maybe you wanna be a warlock or a conjurer - you will not be able to fight Elius. Elius is a learning curve.

A VERY harsh one, but one that is needed. It is basically the only boss fight that immediately teaches you ā€œhm maybe I should think ahead and not have a build that is only one thingā€ unless your one thing is magic or ranged.

TLDR: I have a skill issue with Elius who just runs away from my attacks grrrr !!! grrr!!! I HATE HIM SO MUCH!!!
Heā€™s really easy when youā€™re not doing the story though.

#0 - Revon
Honestly I dont know why his fight is back-to-back with Calvus : considering story-wise it does make sense. But subjecting a player to what could be 2 of the HARDEST fights in the game is obscene.

Id put Argos and Cernyx just slightly above Carina

Prince Revon is definitely harder than Calvus tho, surprised he didnā€™t make the list

My list:

7: Iris
She was too easy. Sure, sheā€™s the second boss, but sheā€™s more of a pushover than I expected. Not much to say about this boss.

6: Shura
The first boss whoā€™s decently difficult for new players. Itā€™s a pretty good one too, since it teaches the player to predict enemy movement and to punish their attacks. Heā€™ll destroy you if you try to m1 him, and the acid puddles that he leaves behind can screw you over if you arenā€™t careful enough. Nothing else to say.

5: Carina
Sheā€™s more annoying than she is difficult. She seems to block/parry a lot more often than the other bosses, and that coupled with her healing ability absolutely sucks if you donā€™t deal a lot of damage. Other than that, sheā€™s really just your average A.I, but with special moves.

4: Cernyx
You literally cannot see for half of the fight. Iā€™ll just leave that there.

3: General Argos
It really just depends on the build youā€™re running. If youā€™re a zoner, this boss wonā€™t be too bad. But if your build depends on cqc, this boss is actually pretty difficult. This is mainly because that heā€™s also depending on cqc, which makes it pretty easy for the damage to stack up.

2: Elius
Do I think people overexaggerate his difficulty? Yep. Do I think heā€™s difficult? Yes. He goes zooming around the arena, which can be pretty disorienting trying to keep track of him. His attacks deal quite a bit of damage, and he can also heal. The second phase is basically the first but on steroids, and he now damages you if you get too close to him while heā€™s healing. The lightning aura around him basically acts like a smokescreen. I found him to be fun for the most part.

1: Calvus
Heā€™s Elius and Argos if they were abusing substances. He dashes around the arena, pelting you with high AoE attacks. Thereā€™s those orbs/swords he summons that can totally screw you over if youā€™re in the middle of casting a spell or in a crater. Then thereā€™s the infamous 1500 damage beam that will screw you over if youā€™re unable to attack Calvus in time. Phase 2 just makes all of his attacks deadlier.

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Cause she was harder than argos

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Calvus has to be my favorite, I think Iā€™ve said this a few times before
Elius can just go eat Arbyā€™s and have his heart stop.

FR, honestly Calvus was only difficult on my warlock which had an unoptimized build (no atk size, low power, no attack speed?)

My list: (fought at their intended level)

#6 Iris
#5 Shura
#4 Carina
#3 Argos
#2 Elius
#1 Calvus

Doing the story when AO first came out the only boss I beat first try was Carina. She got bodied
With Iris and Shura I canā€™t really blame myself for dying because I didnā€™t know about GUNS

The gap between 3 and 2 is huuuugggeeeee

As a beserk iron leg, calvus left me with ptsd :frcryin:

For calvus he leaves tracers whenever he moves if you canā€™t hit him fast enough just carry a gun or smth to smack him the moment you locate him. he stands still forever after you you can make up for the lost damage of the initial hit there.

Lady Carina was #2 for me lol cuz i was using light magic (now i have crystal too so its easier) which has the lowest dmg out of any other magic so the healing = dmg

You would still have had to not hit her for around 20 to 25 seconds for her to make up the damage you dealt

i found general argos easier than elius lmao

Iā€™m sure most people did