Bow M1 Changes | New Bow Technique

Bow M1 Changes | New Bow Technique
effort 4.666666666666667 9 quality 4.625 8 reasonability 4.285714285714286 7

nah that part isn’t gonna get added it’s too op for transportation etc and it wouldn’t fit into the game

I do like how we could have an aura for warriors if you get what I mean

Selectorch, the lead balancer literally approved it my guy


its literally on his technique document

I have no idea what that is lol

AO - Lost Skills and Techniques (v1.14) - Google Docs

I like this idea but the only thing I like is the quiver but we should be able to like craft our own arrow and be able to mix it together to create a new arrow

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buddy it says teleport not teleport to arrow I’m okay just teleporting but not to an arrow thats too op

consumable arrows used to exist did you not know?

Bro its literally MY IDEA, he just didnt write everything

nice but I still don’t agree with teporting being in the game like that

this is pretty cool, i like all the ideas

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tbh i think holding down m1s would be perfect for a strength weapon bow like a longbow

this will make warrior have THE single best mobility in the game, heck yeah

I really like the charged shot idea, it would really fit bows well.

the quiver thing is somewhat unnecessary if you already have the charging shot part, since you’ll be limited by that and the regular bow cooldown already. the quiver would only limit how many uncharged shots you can fire, which have a pretty low range, worse damage and worse speed, so I think having the quiver would just make that part even worse.

maybe lower the archer’s focus state duration to 5 seconds and make it also decrease the max range by a certain percentage, otherwise you can just snipe someone from across the map with a charged light imbued bow m1 and instantly teleport to them.
the idea behind it is pretty cool and interesting tho :nod:


Thank you for the suggestions and not immediately one starring it, I will change it!

Changed! The quiver is now vanity instead!

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It should be a weapon accessory like the strength ones etc

wonder who did that