Boysssss lost spells might come in TGR


Emphasis on might. Though if it does will be extremely poggers.

Higher level cap is very likely, lost spells probably won’t make it but we can dream

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oooooooooooooooo now that’s juicy.

I won’t count on it though since it seems like alot of work, but it would be nice if lost spells made it in.

Vetex should probably just raise the level cap every week or so until TGR to keep player numbers up, and then spread out the story, because if the max level is going to be 5000, I don’t want to beat the story before i can deal any real damage.

multi beam pog

I mean, most of the lost spells are from AA though

True but the framework for them is probably fucked up, and some of the stuff like transformation and shit is gonna be hard or at the very least take time that it shouldn’t

Lost spell types got archives rip

…Which lost spells are from AA?

i mean we did see gold magic arm in the clip of vetex clashing gold and lightning at lvl 5k so we know some of it’s there

Can you send that clip? i dont think ive seen it.

the one with the big circle above your head with big aeo, the barrage attack one, the one that attached too your hand (which was a admin move for vetex magic) and some more i guess but it got archived

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How did you get that lol

Oh yeah the custom magics, I forgot about them. Yeah you got a point

idr what thread specifically but it’s somewhere on the forums i’d have to look through latest again tho

Wait lol level 5k gives you that much health with noo armor lol and 1.8k damage

gold mode seems find to me

They got archived cause Vetex wanted to add stuff to it in his private trello, they are still being added