Bronze Grasslands Building Errors

After travelling the Bronze Grasslands, I noticed a few build errors (saved errors with overlapping parts). I’m not sure if the map will be updated much because of TGR, however these would be quick fixes good for before the Halloween update.

Moss and wood parts of ruined house overlapping exactly

By this I mean both parts are inside of each other and neither overlaps the other, causing both parts to partially cover the other and change based on camera perspective.

Location of the ruined wooden house, bottom right corner of Bronze Wilderness

Grass layer visible in stone

Top right, next to the water under the incomplete area. Unsure if this is intentional simply because it will be covered once the new area is added, however I decided to point it out incase it wasn’t.

Edit: Forgot to mention but I’ll add to this if I notice anything else. If anyone found another error please consider adding it as a reply and I can edit onto the main post with the map location as well.


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