Bugs regarding selling items

1st bug:
When you select the ‘multiple’ option when selling to NPCs, and try to sell multiple items stacked together which equal more crowns value than the shop crown balance, it still sells your items, but when the notification comes up for “do you really want to sell your item because the ship doesn’t have enough to pay you” and I press NO, it still sells my items.

2nd bug.
When selling multiple items using the ‘multiple’ option, the total value for the items doesn’t count the stacked items. So if I have 50 cods stacked together, the value will only say 7, not 7 x 50 = 350 crowns.

3rd bug.
The plus values for the crowns gained with selling items do not match those of the notifications. You know how a little indicator saying “+ XXX crowns” next to the crown UI on left side of the screen pops up when you sell an item? Well, it doesn’t match the crowns value when the notification pops up saying “you sold xxx item to xxx npc for xxx crowns”.
Happpens when I sell multiple fish at once. The notification value is the correct one, and the plus crowns value is always lower.

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