Buying Halloween Seasonals

Will pay hefty sums of Crowns for them.

Hefty = 1 crown? Yes yes

scam :troll:


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admin abuse


Scam indeed

Better luck just joining random servers and sending trades to a bunch of people with low playtime.

5k crowns and a boss item for each and we have a deal :frhigh:

Meta with the Meta plays over here :mariomug:

Give me 3k fishbait for my nimble grey batwing headband

First of all. Why do you want 3k fish bait. 2nd, WHY DID YOU ENCHANT THE DAM THING

You get enchanted items from chests you don’t enchant them

I didn’t enchant it

oh goodie

I bought it off someone for crowns and then I used it for vanity then I gave it away for free because I didn’t care enough…

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