Can anybody rate my PvP skills, Im not exactly good at the game

I know I didn’t block here but i swear i know how to block

Looks fine to me, but maybe put a bit more thought into each of your blasts. I feel like sometimes you’ll fire a blast just for the sake of firing a blast, and end up taking damage for it.

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But hey, I use heavy magics. Optimizing my blasts means a bit more to me than they would to a light user. If it works for you, then you’re fine.

i was just about to say something about this

anyways it looks fine, maybe try to dodge sometimes too

Just watch the first 5 seconds and you’ll see how broken pvp is rn

I don’t even bother blocking anymore man. I can’t tell what’s an actual miss and what’s a miss that still hits you nowadays.

it looks fine.

also ignore the shot at about 0:17 bc thats just WoM physics

fr its probably the reason why I use so much magic energy

though, if you spam 2 blasts as light, after the enemy blocks they have a pretty decent chance to be open to a attack

the clashes were epic tho

no cap, i swear the clashes has AOE damage. Both of us get hit at the same time when we clash, i missed him and still managed to deal damage to him with AOE

Yeah, I’d say you’re better than I am, even though I don’t tend to PvP. Though what Prxstine said is pretty useful information.

C tier

what’s your gear, I’m curious

0:20 DNt did a great job perfect blocking that 20% blast might’ve been a fluke they decided to block when you did 20% blast but that’s pretty good of DNT

also the suncry leader jason is also a light main @jasono17 he could probably give you some tips

You’re better than I am

Jason was exiled. He is no longer the suncry leader.

dude I think I have alzheimer’s


You might want to see a doctor.

too poor :frcryin: