Can someone help me get siren egg?

My brig is really weak so i need someone to let me go with them

how weak what r your stats

how is a weak brig a problem when theres almost no threat

its likely youll find multiple siren dens (and at least one egg) before you encounter sny atlantean ship, and even then its almost sure that ship will be broken like all others unable to move

i just have shit luck

bad luck for the past few days doesnt mean anything if 1.15.11 increased the rate of siren eggs tho

i have no problem in insanity range 1-3 and i have only around 19k hp on my brig

my health got shredded by tons of big waves targetting me all at once

…well brace? and dodge them but thats a given
you shouldnt ever be hit by giant waves, your quartermaster always warns you way before its too late to turn

wanna go with me @playrrt , @DeronChepem , and @anon93796324

you guys already gone?

i didnt even find a single siren rock in the near 30 mins i spent in there

no its on saturday

i meant the slightly smaller ones that also hit you from 200m away

you can only find siren rocks when you complete my riddle

A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place, what am I?

water, specifically rain

it shouldnt be that hard to make a high % stability build with good durability tho
if you already have max loyalty deckhands then just use frayed lead lines on them

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