Can we all just take a second to appreciate the new rating feature?

Title ^
Ever since it was added peeps have been more vocal with their opinions and you can now easily tell if a suggestion is disliked by the community or highly praised.

mfw the only good rating i want on my suggestion is effort and then someone ends up rating it two stars

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: (

I only struggle with getting above a 4 in the other 2 categories.

Suggestions always get low effort for some reason.

i mean it also turned out my suggestion was a duplicate
so i changed it slightly

It’s alright, although it’d be cool if people put more thought into the ratings they give. If they like a suggestion? 5 stars for everything. If they dislike it? 1 star for everything. I mean I guess it works but it kinda defeats the purpose of having the different ratings for effort, quality, and reasonability.

Take this suggestion for example.

Everyone gave it 1 star for reasonability when it could quite reasonably be added to the game, it’s not some impossibly large suggestion that’d take months to be implemented.


True but maybe people don’t know what it means. Like some may think that effort means how much effort they put into the suggestion and others might think it means how much effort Vetex has to do to put the suggestion in the game. (Just an example.)

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Yeah it’s pretty cool.

I’m pretty sure no one thinks that.

Again, it was just an example.

I mean…
Unless there’s a way to get your limbs back in the future other than respawning, some places will more or less require climbing to get through.

I guess theres also that thing with losing your armor before your limbs tho so it’s not that bad

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There probably won’t be… a low lvl needs to climb and they wont have a magic arm.

New Idea: Get rid of limb loss entirely

yea that’s true. I was mainly just trying to give an example of how people were using the rating system, it’d prob be best to clear up what each one meant or to just make it super simple and only have 1 option

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New idea: Add infection back :drooling_face: :flushed:

Yeah I don’t even know what to really consider as reasonable most of the time. Like that limb loss climbing suggestion makes sense realistically, but it’s also not justified why it should be added to the game.
Gameplay wise, it’s kinda bad. Realism wise, it’s alright.

Also effort and quality are more or less the same thing for suggestions imo. Usually when the effort put in the suggestion is visible, the quality is visible too and vice versa. Unless quality is kinda like for grammar and stuff idk

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Effort is supposed to be “how much time did the person spend writing this suggestion”.
Quality is supposed to be “how much would this suggestion improve the game”.
Reasonability is supposed to be “how easy would it be for vetex to add this”.

That’s not really how I’ve seen them used though, and the ambiguity doesn’t really help with the whole “all 5 stars = upvote, all 1 stars = downvote” thing we’re seeing a lot of.
The rating categories probably need a rethink.


I’ve been using “Quality” as how well formatted the suggestion is and “Reasonability” as how likely it is to be accepted.