Chat, do I procure this product? StockSounds' Deepwoken Adventure

theyre decently avoidable thankfully (not always)

try playing in smaller servers for a while so your chances of stumbling across someone who attacks you on sight is minimized

eventually you should try to play in larger servers but yeah

Deepwoken trains you to not be a baby

to ignore all toxicity
Beware people quit because they were called trash on the first day

Say, how do I get the attunement technique thingy this time? I got it in the tutorial last time, didn’t happen this time, and now it’s not at the top.

reach power 2 and you get a mantra (spell)

oh check your inventory for the attunement training item (unless you’re attunementless). It’d probably be hard to train tho because you don’t have a mantra

Wait hold on, #1 tip for a new player

Remember that island with the kkk lookin dudes on it? Go inside their temple and find a place that looks like a dojo next to the smith. Find the dude that asks if you want to spar with an instructor and practice with one until you can consistently beat it, congrats, you can now kill bandits


Wonderful, time to go back to there.
It’s a shame that my character is black.

basically if you want to learn the game’s combat really really quickly, slam your head against lone warrior until you succeed.


out of context time!!!

Chat, do I procure this product?


Get deepbound
Grind with deepbound
Wipe with deepbound
Reprog with deepbound

Deepbound is love, deepbound is life

Don’t listen to them ignition Union origin on top

Even I know what you’re trying to do to him.

Diluvian my beloved deepbound to1

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shut up communist
Deepbound on top rah we’re accounted for 95% of death in the verse

Stock watching as the deepwoken players are summoned into their thread that mentioned it and they either rant about how they hate it or spew incomprehensible gibberish while offering them 0 help:

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Both in lore and in game (the depths gankers :grimacing:)

Depth gankers when I hit them with the m1 feint + mantra feint + airforce + vent off the edge

Depths gankers when I run max windup strong left and instantly wipe them by both dealing 75% damage in 1 hit and sending them off a cliff with said hit:

Oh, this guy are pretty difficult.