Check Grand Navy influence outside of GN

Check Grand Navy influence outside of GN
effort 4.0 2 quality 4.0 2 reasonability 5.0 2


talking to Edward Kenton has a new option “Hows the Navy Doing” or something
Inwhich case he says something along the lines of “Well… the Grand Navy influence is [High/Medium/Low] (%)” so he could say
“Well… the Grand Navy influence is High (95%)”
that way non-GN memebers can monitor the influence in semi-real time

Reason to add/change

Why give this to kenton? kenton only provides stats, enzinor provides stats and acts as a alchemist. lets give kenton something else to do aside from standing there

converted from:


i dont see why he’d know that considering hes basically exiled and literally trying to stay away from the navy as much as possible, but eh sure

I mean we know vaguely when it is low/medium/high
mabey edward kenton due to his expierence of being in the GN is able to notice the “subtle signs” to tell you exactly where the influence is


Really like this. Would be helpful for Bronze Sea Albolitionist especially, would be great to track progress.

Actually, after the upgrade quest and you talk to him, it reveals that he’ll be investigating into GN’s corruption and will let the Captain know what he finds. So him knowing the influence may actually make sense even in lore

also bumping this one, it’s simple and it’s nice

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