Closed Storyline vs. Open World

So, I decided to write this in regards to many complaints I have seen in regards to announcement of World of Magic being revamped into Arcane Odyssey. This is just the opinion I have formed, you may think otherwise.

So, if you read the title, you can see what it is I want to talk about. With that let me make a statement (this can also serve as the TL;DR)
Those upset with the announcement of the TGR change feel that a Open World game is superior to a Closed Storyline, causing great upset for some players.

What I believe got me most hyped for World of Magic in beta, and what I believe hyped up others, was the present direction World of Magic seemed to be taking, and that is the form of an Open World.
What is an Open World game?
An Open World game is the effective pinnacle when it comes to immersive multiplayers. They give the sense that the world of the game does not revolve around your character and your actions. Even if you decided to go to a cave and sit there for hours on end doing nothing, you would feel that the world of the game would still carry on without you.
Of course, you are able to interact with this world with actions you may undertake. You can even impact the world to a severe degree, slaughtering many or saving a nation. It is just that, at the end of the day, if your character were to disappear, the world would still carry on.
So, when that now in mind, look on the direction World of Magic was going in.
Let’s first take note of the NPCs. Able to generate random quest, having a sleep pattern akin to real life with some even staying awake, being able to run and flee when in danger, and even able to attack each other without your interference. This are all notes of an Open World game as you can now believe that the NPCs have a life that does not depend on you, able to continue “living” without needing you to slay the dragon. I believe, because of these elements, this is what cause many to be extremely upset with TGR, most especially with the removal of these NPCs. The new NPCs are going to be like that of Arcane Adventures and its remakes, existing for one purpose and one purpose alone.
If this would actually be the case for Arcane Odyssey remains completely up to Vetex and what he decides to do. I am just pointing out what I have seen.
One supporting idea towards the notion of World of Magic being Open World was the hometown system. Being able to spawn anywhere in the world completely removed the though of level separated places. One now feels freedom to travel anywhere they wish too, not being held back because of level (this, of course, includes the freedom to go get themselves killed by entering a area too dangerous but I digress). This system, like stated before, adds new depth towards World of Magic as an Open World game.
Now personally, the main reason I believe that World of Magic was scrapped was when Vetex realized he was not mentally prepared nor willing to tackle the creation of an Open World. I am not saying that World of Magic would not succeed nor am I saying that Vetex could not create an Open World game but that, in creating the game, Vetex did not see the true direction he was taking, only realizing later. He did not wish to create such a game but to give homage to his previously most popular game on roblox, a game entertaining to the people, but also a passion project for himself. In light of this, he turned his attention to remaking the game in a way that he knew he would find enjoyable.
Which turns our attention to the other side; a Closed Storyline game. Games of this genre are polar opposites to Open World games where each and every event occurring in the world is, in some way, tied back to you and your character. There is no true interaction with your surroundings, all things being tied to the story. Because of this, the main focus is on the story itself, which often reveals itself to be one beautifully told and showed, grasping the players attention and leading them on an ecstatic ride. This is not true of all Closed Storyline games but I am only speaking of those best executed (see Hollow Knight). This is the type of game Arcane Odyssey will stick closer to in nature, attempting to convey a vivid tale for the player to experience. Given the nature of Closed Storyline games, one is able to create areas pertaining to different progression stages for the player, leading them by a “silver line”.
This is one point I would like to address given WoM and AO in regards to the hometown system. It was for this reason that Vetex removed the system, stating that being able to spawn anywhere creates the problem of no endgame content to be placed. One may argue that he could make more dangerous areas based in different places, given a semblance to endgame content, but one must keep in mind the freedom of Open World. It would prove quite awkward if you were to wander the world and end up getting killed by the final boss or their high level minions. While endgame content is possible for Open Worlds, one must see that it is not an easy task.

Overall, both styles of games have their own pros and cons and it was the belief that World of Magic was aiming to be an Open World game that caused massive upset with some members of the fan base. If Open World is actually better than Closed Storyline remains to be a matter of personal opinion. The biggest thing to keep in mind, however, is that while AO seems to be sticking closer to a Closed Storyline game in nature, it still has its multiplayer aspect, giving it a new genre.

And now the final question; what was the point of all this?

In all honesty, idk.

Spark discussion I guess.

And for those who scrolled straight to the bottom and missed it, here is the TL;DR again: Those upset with the announcement of the TGR change feel that a Open World game is superior to a Closed Storyline, causing great upset for some players.


Definitely agree on this. Both linear and open world games have their flaws compared to each other. Some people completely got into WoM of expectations of it being open world. There’s still open world elements so it’s closer to a semi-linear game so hopefully players will be happy with these changes.

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Yeah this was interesting/nice to read. Not up to date on most stuff lately so I was confused why this took longer to bring up now

I’m too lazy to read

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Breath Of The Wild Cough Cough The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of the Wild. If you had played that game you’d know but this also provides an alternative.

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i skipped 99% of it

but i agree

I didn’t read all of it but a lot of the things stated here sound great on paper but in practicality it makes for a very hard to develop, unexciting and slow game. Open world sounds great and all but when most of it just wilderness filled out with rocks, trees and bushes that do nothing but lag the game, then I’d much rather have them replaced with an ocean and islands.

Also, a storyline that’s hand written is a lot more exciting than randomly generated quests. No, I don’t want to go find your hat or go kill 10 wizards. Yes, I much prefer to find out about the lore about an important character through dialogue even if I’m asked to go apple hunting right after.

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