Crimson Storm, book 1, chapter eleven

Chapter eleven. all for one, and one for all

Connor raced through the wilderness. He had spent a week pouring over clues left by his grandpa leading to the location of the vault. He had finally pinpointed its location in the bronze grasslands. Fortunately for him, the MC base he was held in was fairly close to that general area. If Connor played his cards right, he should be able to make it back to the base before daybreak. Nobody would know that he had slipped out during the night.

Connor made it to the bronze grasslands, he quickly went around the large plateau near the sea. There, he found a small, almost unnoticeable hole in the wall. Connor grabbed his key, and stuck it into the hole in the wall. He heard the sound of mechanisms shifting, and just like that, a small entrance opened in the wall.

“Major Daniel!” Rose saluted her superior

Daniel sighed “What is it Rose?”

“One of our scouts reported a huge number of dark wizards and bandits marching to our location!” Rose reported

Daniel spat out the coffee he was drinking “WHAT!?”

Rose nodded “they are expected to arrive at 4:00 AM. I have already sent a scout to grab Connor and Jeremy, we could use their experience to-”

Jeremy burst into the room “CONNOR"S GONE!”

“Ugh, again? Can NOBODY on this gods forsaken force look after ONE FUCKING KID!?” Major Daniel cursed as he grabbed his hipflask and took a long swig. Its one of those days he thought to himself

As Connor reached the interior of the vault, the first thing he saw was the incredible amount of silver coins stacked on the floor. There were various weapons, armours, riches, and tomes in the horde. However, one specific set of armour stood out to him.

It was platemail that appeared to be made out of some sort of bright red metal that radiated with magic, The logo of the Crimson Circle was painted in black on the chest and on the crimson cloak that was attached to the armour.

It was beautiful

Connor swiftly put the armour on, although it was full platemail, the armour was surprisingly light. The cape didn’t get in the way of his movements, and the armour was a perfect fit.

“Well now, this is very unexpected.” A vaguely familiar voice said

Connor turned around to see his ghostly grandpa floating there.

“Ho ho! I was starting to think that nobody would show up after all these years… I thought Jeremy would’ve found this place by now, but it seems you’ve beaten him to the punch.” Grandpa said with a smile.

“Grandpa… I…” Connor struggled to get the words out.

Grandpa gave him a sad smile “You’ve grown so much my grandson. I wish I could’ve seen you grow up to become what you are today. You have no idea how proud I am of you. you’ve even acquired magic, against all odds. But I must ask, why is it that you are the one here and not Jeremy?”

“How… Nevermind. Things have changed, your plans were messed up by a couple of variables that you didn’t account for. But… I’m here now, I just came to have a quick look at the stuff in here and book it back to the base before anyone realizes I’m gone.” Connor explained

Grandpa’s face darkened “Yes… I’m afraid that while you were stuck there, a force of evil was secretly mobilizing and is now marching to that very same base in hopes of killing a couple of important figures.”

“What?! Damn, I need to-”

“Hold on there grandson! Rushing out there without grabbing some special equipment is liable to get you killed! Here, let me show you some things”

Grandpa gave Connor a few items, including: a pistol, a tome, and a sword that matched his falchion.

“Another falchion?” Connor asked

“Yes, your father only got his hands on one of the two falchions. Alone, they are formidable weapons. However, their true power can only be unleashed if you are wielding both at once.” Grandpa said as he handed Connor the falchion. “One more thing, there is an ancient spell that I am going to teach you. It has been a lightning user’s greatest weapon since the age of the seven seas. Though, very few people know how to use it these days…”

“I don’t have time to learn an entire spell!” Connor reminded his grandfather

“And that is why I’m going to use an unconventional method to teach you, now hold still, this is going to hurt.” Grandpa warned

A sharp pain struck Connor’s mind. Visions of ages long past flashed through his eyes. The ancient arcane techniques required for casting the spell permeated his very being. Visions of ancient and powerful wizards using this spell to rout entire armies filled his mind.

5 hours later


Jeremy cut down bandit after bandit with his scimitar. Dark wizards were firing spells at him, most were hitting their mark. Covered in wounds, Jeremy started to weaken. Eventually, he collapsed.



You don’t get to die here Jeremy, your destiny is not as of yet fulfilled.


Let your frustrations strengthen you. Think of all the times you were too weak or too scared to help your brother and people like him.

“No, I-”

Let your pain be your purpose, what happened last year in Riverville was caused by the monsters that you now face. All of those deaths were the result of these people you see in front of you.

“Ghn, I can still hear the- the screams…”

Listen to them, do not turn away from them. They died because you weren’t strong enough to protect them, but now you have the chance to right that wrong. Kill the monsters that killed them, make them suffer for their sins. FIGHT. LIKE. HELL.


A raging inferno sprung to life around Jeremy. The fire coalesced around Jeremy, he charged forward with renewed vigour and strength. Bandits were burned alive as Jeremy cut through their defensive lines like a hot knife through soft butter. The dark wizards firing spells screamed as their skin melted off their bones when Jeremy hit their lines. He hacked and slashed with reckless abandon. Every time his sword swung through the air, an enemy was cut in half.

“I’LL BURN YOU ALL TO THE GROUND” Jeremy shouted at the squad of powerful villains he now faced

The first villain shot a blast of water at Jeremy, hoping to extinguish the flames.

The water evaporated

Now consumed with rage and hatred, Jeremy reduced everything around him to ashes and dust. Blood curdling screams could be heard across the battlefield as dark wizards and bandits burned alive in the flames.

Connor’s stomach sank at what he saw in front of him. He had never seen anything like what he saw now. Fighters on both sides were exchanging brutal blows, the injured lay there dying calling out for mercy.

This wasn’t like the siege of Culumnus town.

This, was war.

Snap out of it, son!


Let your rage flow through you, don’t look away from the scene in front of you. Acknowledge it, absorb it. You need to stop this, you HAVE to stop this.

“H-How? there’s so many of them…” Connor asked

Remember your parents, remember all of the times they hurt you because you weren’t perfect, remember the pain you felt so long ago. Remember that rage, and let it fuel your thirst for blood.


There is no reason for you to hold back anymore, descendent of mine. Let the beast take over, you’ve done enough on your own.

“I’LL KILL YOU ALL!” Connor yelled

The sky darkened. Red lightning could be seen forming in the clouds up above the battlefield. Connor jumped up into the air and began a furious chant filled with rage and hate. A huge ball of crimson lightning formed above Connor’s outstretched hands. By now, everyone on the battlefield had noticed him and the power he was now commanding.

“LIGHTNING ANNIHALATION!” Connor screamed as he threw the ball of red lightning at the force of bandits and dark wizards.

The bandits and dark wizards screamed in horror and pain as they were torn apart by the powerful and volatile magic.

As Connor fell, lightning began to build up around him. This was the most energy he had ever put into a mode spell. When he hit the ground, Connor exploded in red lightning. He was surrounded in a thick layer of magic.

“ha… ha… hahahhahahahaHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAH!” Connor laughed as an insane grin spread across his face

The bandits in front of him recoiled in fear just before Connor shot forward and cut them all down. He was a hurricane of blades, lightning, and body parts as the limbs of his former opponents flew out around him. Enemy after enemy was torn, cut, or blasted apart as he ran through the battlefield towards the more powerful villains. As more powerful opponents tried to stop him, he only fought harder and faster than ever before. Until he finally reached his goal.

“So… You’re the one they call Connor, hm?”

A young looking dark wizard was standing there. Seeing as he wasn’t yet in the fighting, this guy must be the leader.

“My name, if you care, is Dacien. Now I’ve been wa-”


Connor shot forwards at incredible speed, Dacien met him head on. Their blades clashed and sparked as each combatant held nothing back. Before long, their blades were reduced to piles of scrap.

Dacien laughed “Well now, it seems you’ve broken my-”

“I’LL KILL YOU!” Connor responded

Connor lunged at Dacien and punched him halfway across the battlefield. Dacien stood up just in time to block the next punch. By now, Connor’s armour was heavily damaged. Parts of it were falling off at this point, only a pauldron and a shin guard were left attached to his body.

Dacien smiled “Well then, let the games begin!”

Connor snarled “No, this is where they end.”

Dacien shot a blast of darkness at Connor. Connor responded with crimson lightning. The two attacks met in midair and caused an implosion that shook the entire battlefield. The two fighters exchanged blow after blow. Dacien hit Connor point blank with a shadow blast. Connor responded with a barrage of punches. Hoping to out maneuver Connor, Dacien took to the air using a flight spell. Connor surprised him by shooting upwards after him.

They clashed midair for what seemed like ages before Connor slammed Dacien directly into the ground, Daciens bones crunched as they were shattered upon impact.

“ha… ha…” Connor panted as his power faded. He fell backwards.

Dacien slowly got up.

“Cough You… Fucking… Inconsequential… WEAKLING.” Dacien held up an artifact that appeared to have a thick magical aura.

“I’LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER COME BACK THIS TIME” Dacien yelled as he activated whatever he had in his hand.

A huge portal opened up behind Connor and began pulling him in.




Dacien looked down at his chest. There appeared to be a large hole in it, blood was pouring out of the wound.

“H-… How did you…?” Dacien tried to ask before he dropped, dead.

Connor dropped the pistol he had pulled out. He could no longer move his body. Connor chuckled to himself one last time, as the rift in spacetime closed behind him.

The higher-ups in the MC force looked on at what happened.

“No… He’s gone. He’s really gone” Rose said to nobody

“Dammit! He didn’t fucking deserve this!” cried Gem

“I’ll always remember you, lad.” Daniel said, a lump forming in his throat.

This somber mood didn’t las long. Another time rift opened, and everyone in the area could sense that whatever was coming through this one was far more powerful than Connor or Dacien. The captains and majors prepared themselves for the fight of their life.

End of chapter eleven

I will post the epilogue for book one later today. I just wanted to thank everyone who has supported this series so far. You guys have really made an impact on both this series and my life as a whole. This has been one hell of a journey. Thank you


Man legit got sent to the War Seas by teleportation.

yes, also time travel