The destruction affinity that the magic starts with will become pointless in the future, where lvl 1k water or poison user with an affinity of 0.2 can just one hit Silent Tower no different to explosion with higher affinity, so i purpose a change to make destruction useful. Destruction affinity should increase the magic DESTRUCTION RADIUS, basically it’s a small extra aoe that multiplies destruction affinity by magic size and added to base magic size that only damage terrain and buildings, with players hit by this extra aoe NOT receiving damage. This also adds realism since explosions in real life release pressure/shrapnel can destroy buildings far away from where it hit. With this, magic will also become more unique since certain magic can clear larger chunks of forest with others clearing it less effectively.
Ex: Explosion = 1.2 affinity/2 = 0.6 x 60(magic size) + 60(magic size) = 96(Total Destruction Size)
Ex: Poison = 0.2 affinity/2 = .01 x 60(magic size) + 60(magic size) = 66(Total Destruction Size)