The title is a little vague, so let me expand upon that- right now, a pretty common concern with the game is about metamancers preying on weak players who cannot fend for themselves- either for their renown or their clan infamy. I have a suggestion in 2 parts to tackle each half of the problem individually.
Details/background on your proposal
First Half: Renown
This is the most simple change. I’m not entirely sure how the amount would be calculated, but the renown gained from hunts should be related to someone’s player kills compared to your own. For example, a player with 500 player kills hunting someone with 50 will lead to them getting much less Renown from them- potentially even zero. If renown gained from the hunt is reduced below 50% by this penalty, it also shouldn’t contribute to the player kills statistic of the killer. To prevent this from protecting players and allowing people with no kills to get on leaderboards safely, this protection is revoked once a player reaches… let’s say anywhere from 100k to 250k renown in either direction. It may be a bit high, but a million would also make some sense since that’s the point where PvE methods of gaining renown drop off heavily.
HOWEVER, If a player with lower player kills attempts to hunt someone with higher player kills (with the poster and everything), they will not receive this penalty in reverse. If the higher player kills player successfully fights back against their attacker, they will not receive any penalty to renown transfers. In this example case, the higher PK player was attacked first and has full justification to fight back- that’s not inherently toxic.
If a high PK player is fended off by a low PK player they were trying to hunt, then the renown the low PK player gains is still reduced. This prevents toxicity in the other direction.
In other words:
High PK player tries to hunt low PK player and fails the kill, renown transfer is reduced as if the high PK player succeeded the kill, to prevent toxic smurfing tactics to lower people’s renown
Low PK player tries to hunt high PK player and fails the kill, renown transfer is not reduced because it is not toxic to fight back against someone attacking you and the low PK player willingly entered into this PvP interaction
Second Half: Clan Infamy
This half is itself split into two suggestions, though one is smaller- a clan should be unable to lose any infamy until they reach 10k (which if memory serves is the point where a clan becomes an Average Clan). If they lose infamy after that, they will never go below 10k.
As for the main bulk of the suggestion, infamy gains from a clan are also based on the player kills difference. If you hunt someone with significantly fewer player kills, the infamy loss on their end and the infamy gain on your end is reduced by the same percentage as the renown reduction. In addition, hunting a clan that is two ranks or more below yours reduces infamy even more. As with renown, if a low clan rank player attempts to hunt a high clan rank player and fails, the high clan rank player does not receive a penalty to the gains from the interaction.
The reduction for taking infamy from a clan ranked lower than yours also applies to claiming over someone else’s island. I know that there is less infamy to be gained by taking islands from lower ranked clans already, but this change would make it so that higher ranked clans are given even less encouragement to take islands from lower ranked ones- especially if the infamy gains are completely nullified if the rank difference is great enough. For this case, claiming an island owned by a clan two or more ranks higher than your own will impose the same penalty (if not greater) as claiming an island from a clan two ranks lower. This is to prevent situations where a low rank clan claims islands from a high rank clan, and then even if the high rank clan reclaims the island they end in a net loss of infamy anyway.
Reason to add/change
As mentioned at the top, one of the main problems with this game is the metamancers or otherwise high skill people preying on lower skill people in order to boost their own statistics- renown and infamy specifically. The change to preventing infamy loss below 10k is also meant to give more players that are more casual access to some clan features, which will become more relevant once clan building on claimed islands is added.
i wrote all this at around 2 AM so if there’s any confusing parts or parts that could do with different formatting let me know and i’ll elaborate on them before fixing them in edits when i get the chance