Do you watch any sports?

I’m curious on knowing, perhaps some of us share likes :eyes:

Don’t really give a shit about sports tbh watching people’s gameplay though that’s a different story. Yes ik there basically the same thing.

I only watch sports with my family, never by myself

football and i play varsity basketball

no. my neighborhood is obsessed with them tho.

i dont understand how people start throwing shit around bc they are pissed off about their team losing or whatever…

its idiotic and i dont participate

I follow football but only if my team is winning because I’m a coward.

you don’t like watching defeats? seriously?

when people get pissed off cause their favorite team loss, i don’t get it

I watch defeats, but I don’t follow the sport that year if my team is constantly on a lose streak because I’m not masochistic. My team has had a bad history of that

which team

Same here burgr

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sports is just men playing with balls

No, I don’t watch sports.

thats what u think it is its just that u dont want to try sports

ever heard about motorsports?

its not idiotic just because u dont like it if u get into it its pretty entertaining

nobody got the joke (sob emoji)

it was a bad joke but still…

it was a pretty sus/bad joke