📈 DoubleRun’s Rare Market

Swift Sunken Sword up for auction!

I have full Minotaur and Exiled armor set. Will you take that for your swift sunken sword?

Sorry this guy’s already bidding a hard sunken sword for it lol

Aw man… ;-;

Swift Sunken Sword goes to @Req for:

1x Hard Sunken Sword
1x Exiled Armor
1x Exiled Leggings

Thanks for the trade!


1x Hard Sunken Sword!

Highest bid has been updated.

Was unable to trade it, so highest bid has been updated again.

I am willing to trade my hard exiled armor and destructive exiled leggings so is it possible to get any of your boss weapons?

how about 10 crowns and a high five


you’ll have to add a bit more

New Item for auction:

1x Strong Vastira!

Decreased the starting price for Hard Sunken Sword

can I trade a strong oathkeeper plus two clean boss armor drops (exiled) for the hard sunken ;-;

Decreased the starting price for Hard Sunken Sword

hmm, sure that can be a first offer

1 Like

What about max crowns to boot?

Which weapon are you looking for

An oathkeeper to be exact

Which enchant?