Eternal's General Store

--------------------------[Boss Drops]-----------------------------

  • Clean Exiled Armor Piece = 4600 Crowns
  • Clean Mino Armor Piece = 4400 Crowns
  • Clean Vastira = 6600 Crowns
  • Clean Oathkeeper = 7500 Crowns
  • Clean Wall of Jericho = 7000 Crowns

--------------------------[Boss Drops]-----------------------------

[N/A yet]
--------------------------[Sunkens and Seasonal]-----------------------------

  • Hard Sunken Sword
  • 4th of July Cap
  • Headless Head
  • Halloween Seasonals

--------------------------[Boss Drops]-----------------------------


[N/A Yet]

shop is incomplete check later

how are you going to give over 5k crowns for boss items

Crowns are practicality worthless due to Code Farming. You most likely will not be able to buy boss drops for them.

Can still rip off people who have no idea of the value of anything in the game

This is how to get boss drops 200% of the time anyways