Fake Game I Keep on Falsly "Remembering" and Fake/Forged Things/Memories in General

Sometimes, when I’m left alone, I like to think a lot since I get distracted easily. My favorite is remembering vague memories. Some of the ones I remember involved many RPGs, and a general “warm” summer afternoon aesthetic. However, my brain as of recent keeps on “forging” a fake game from these memories, and sometimes associates actual memories with this fake game. The fake game itself is a bizzare combination of Swordburst 2, WoM, some others I probably forgot, a hypothetical game made by an old friend once years ago, Astal Hearts, and some random ass Roblox RPG that had a red gem as it’s thumbnail and I think the first enemy was a mantis. The game was open world, and the color pallet was similar to WoM’s and Astal Heart’s. Man the brain is weird.



i always say to myself

boy humans are fuckin weird

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Thats a weird way of saying men.

i do the same all the time ngl

It’s okay, I sometimes have fake memories too whether accidentally or purposely

idk why but this topic reminds me of this one video that probably doesn’t exist about some weird, fan-made kirby RPG
Pretty sure it is a fake memory since i’ve never seen it anywhere else on the internet since that day

Update: I keep on remembering another fake memory involving a (real) Roblox game that involved exploring a cave or climbing a mountain or both. It was an obby, and I forgot it’s name. However, this game keeps on combining itself with real memories, including the ones listed above. God that’s weird.

when i make stories and tell them to people often throughout my life, they sometimes feel like real memories and i end up slightly obsessing over fantasy.

it doesnt mess me up or anything, it just feels weird and makes me feel empty when i think about how i know all these strong emotions and memories are nothing but fictitious, non existent stories with non existent characters that have never taken a breath and are only a creation of my mind.

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