Forum Curses: The Second Act

No clue, but there is a horse cult who seems to be trying to protect it via violence

I’m not very good at board games

and I’m trying to figure out a strategy to trap this horse

those magic capabilities make it seem difficult to fight headon alone I realized

I have 3 plans ready however

Anyone know how close the horse cult is to the field? I’ve obtained a plan

“Let me tell you something”

Well they’re over at Gabriel, so probably not close at all

i like the number 8, so i think i’ll make 7 clones

My plan has been nerfed then but it’ll come into effect later, in the meantime gtg again

what’s the plan?

It’s a secret for now to maximize :sparkles:dramatic effect :sparkles:, involves a bit of archery and a bit of willpower though

neat, i also have a bit of a plan i think

All I have to do is kill Lucky. My whole plan if put simply

“We did it guys! We stopped the horse!”
What was done to the horse:

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my plan was to get some people to spill a buncha soapy water so the horse runs over it and slips

Cartoony ass death


“Your decision to not dodge speaks volumes of the 2 holes in your chest, good sir.”

Since I’ll probably be asleep while all the horse stuff is happening, once again, if you are near Ray (who is currently in the field waiting for the horse to get there) you may use Duskwater however you like as long as it isn’t detrimental to Ray or other theatre members.

Secondly, Ray will also be using the Acumen to fire shots at the horse, the cult, and whatever enemies might show up using the willpower of himself and those around him (which includes his enemies! The more the horse cult wants to save their idol the easier it’s gonna be for him to kill them!)

Randomness can go ahead and roll for the effectiveness of Rays Acumen stuff whenever it’s relevant and whenever it’s buffed by willpower shenanigans, other people can roll for his Duskwater stuff if they choose to use it

Remember that uncontrollable bullshit that just so happens to work out in Lucky’s favor will start happening the second Lucky and Gabriel start fighting each other so I suspect that many of you will want to run away

Yoshikage Kira Vs. Funny Valentine

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I got best of both worlds gonna become the luckiest man on the planet in about 5 seconds (12 hours)