Forum Curses: The Second Act

  • Make stuff cold
  • Ice blasts
  • Menace

Randomness hates me so much that he even ghosts GlitchingEclipse

Hi I’m sorry what did i ghost this time

it literally can’t fight back anymore just obliterate it

Okay Randomness can I try Singularity Barrage again now that the whole Antigravity thing doesn’t work as well

I’ll let you guess

Fun thing while we all just do various stuff: describe your character’s appearance and I will design them in AO

(not actually gonna make save files I’m just curious about designs and I wanna see if I can interpret stuff well)

Roll three D20s if they add up to above 35 you hit.

It will be sent in ds shortly


Congrats, you hit it and clearly damage it a lot. As I assume Myles is just attacking you’ve brought it down quite low. One more hit from Ladnas might kill it.

I would do it for him except I forgor to set up my energy regeneration build

Where’s it at for health

like 36%

I did 50% damage wow

Noted: Barrage is better than Vortex

yeah the Truth stuff is good or something

And Im still out

I cast testicular torsion on the antigravity gg ez