Forum Curses: The Second Act

I pray to @randomness and then drive in a random direction in hopes of driving towards a person or something.
Awesome surely I’ll go somewhere

roll a d12

yeah you drive in a random direction and end up in Cronus somehow… uh yeah you’re with the group fighting Minion 4, The Dull rn

Is Lucky on our side again or what

@Unlucky are you on said side?

The fact you’re actually letting Ladnas attempt that-

Wait how the f*ck is Ladnas attempting that

ignore what it implies

I’m on every side, up until I decide if I want to swap sides again or not

fair so are you going to help Sage or The Dull out

Lucky would have no idea of it’s strengths and weaknesses, so the first thing he does is crash his car into The Dull.

Truly the most intelligent move of the fight so far

ok so

roll a d12 idc about a d20 this time, you caught it off guard


okay so you knock it flat but don’t do much damage. treat it like an opening.

The best solution to any problem is to shoot it. I shoot it with my shotgun.


Even worse because it actually… IS… the most intelligent move. I hate to admit it but that’s been the most intelligent fighting move since the start of the game lmao

Luck is finally looking up for lucky!

I’m just confused at this point because you’ve rolled snake eyes, a one and a 20 and now right after another 20

you blow it’s head off…
The Dull dies instantly.
Hey so you betrayed the cult but they don’t know… also the Dull would probably kill indiscriminately anyway.

My combat ideas, for example, were:

  1. Tie a set square to a rubber with masking tape
  2. Pull people towards me only to throw them at a wall
  3. Lob singularities at something that repels gravity
  4. Beg Max for help without a thought for Myles’s safety because I have no combat skill whatsoever