Forum Curses: The Second Act

I mean, you did roll a 20, but you also rolled a 1, so I’m not sure

pretty sure I was rolling on disadvantage but I believe the rolls were made inert since Randomness made my attack an attack of opportunity or a stealth

okay roll a d100 for car drivability

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 41

yeah it works
I think
might fall apart

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Imma be making myself bagel bites while I do this which is why i’ll pause a lot

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pretty good considering it already lost its left door.

Well its not like im going to die anyways surely am I right

Calypso panted as she dragged Gabriel as far as she could from the conflict, spotting a small section of buildings she could hide behind from the cultists while making sure that she can wake him up outside of an active battlefield.

One issue is starting to arise from this, however, being that she has no clue how (or even IF) she can wake him up at all in time. She’s already tried shaking him awake, which didn’t work, and she’s panicking already. Desperately trying to NOT have another person die, she tries to slap Gabriel awake.

Rolling for this btw


What do you mean ANOTHER person die

Im out so hard that not even slap will wake me up

Okay yeah so slapping him is not working, she’s slapped him at least ten times and he is still knocked the fuck out.

“Damn it! Come on, come on… just wake him up, Calypso, it’s not that hard…!” Calypso tried reassuring herself, before deciding on trying something else. She takes a deep breath, before she takes her large ink brush and whacks the side of Gabriel’s head.

Would this wake him up?

Calypso make sure when he wakes up to tell him Lucky’s on our side now

Character lore I will not disclose :troller:

She doesn’t know that yet. She hasn’t seen Lucky at all nor even knows that Lucky shot Gabriel yet.

Im gonna beat this guy up so badly that not even his curse gonna help him