Found 2 people able to nuke sameria

What were you doing before bug occurred: *I was wandering around sameria. It was others doing this so this part is irrelevant *

Steps to reproduce: so. There were 2 people involved. A metal conjurer and a metal plasma mage. This is from memory so it might not be exactly correct, but I will describe it in detail. First, the steel variation metal conjurer used storm of arrows on elius’s bow. Next, the metal mage used 20x blast at a 45 degree angle into the arrows. When the attacks clashed, it dealt a series of 100 damage pings to everyone in the vicinity

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game): unfortunately I do not have any, as I left before I thought to get them

This basically ruins PvP and the game for everyone on an island. so I’d say it’s relatively important I think

As a plasma user I cannot wait to abuse this

Thank you for telling me this information.


@Mr_hyperspace thank you for being honest about bug abusing

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Bold of you guys to assume I have friends to do this with

Quick, does anybody here have a metal conj? I wanna see!


@Mr_hyperspace you have one right

Yknow what, @stocksounds wanna actually do this bug to make a video and show le forums.

(It might not work as I only saw what it looked like, they may be doing something special)

I wanna try.

Hop on, I’ll join you

i got a metal mage, but idk any metal conjurers

We may need a third person as a test subject


me me me :blush:

We can find somebody walking around

Ok both one of you guys hop on, tell me when you are in

Server is… ermmmm it takes a long time to load