Can Gravy members attack positive reps/other gravy members? If not, WHY? THIS PUT A DENT IN MY PVP PRACTICE BRUH
They can’t because gravy sucks
common gravy L
i will now start calling them Gravy.
How the hell you get user if the month this is the first time I’ve seen you post (unless you go in off topic a lot I don’t go there)
Haha take a look at my history, I’ve been here a long time.
Nah just be a gravy npc, they cant but they sure try to hurt good reps
Yes. It’s a glitch, they’ve attacked me before (i have good rep). Idk about pvp or whatever tho
I once had these 3 marines track me to the ends of the earth trying to hit me
The ai in this game sometimes…
This happened to me last night, I wasn’t paying attention and drove them into the Dark Sea… Oops.
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