Growth magic

So we know of Randal’s growth curse which allows him to basically live and see through all nature and control plants and shit (One of the most OP curses)

So why is growth magic not a lost or ancient magic
Obviously it wouldn’t let us live through nature and see through all nature in the world but just simple plant control.

I’ve heard people say it’s because magics can’t be based off of living things. But I also heard that magic isn’t the real deal of what you’re casting. So it would just be magic energy that looks as if it was a plant.
Or is there more to it than this?
Because the way i see it is that it’s just a big missed opportunity

mfw “magic can’t be based on living things”

then explain this: :wood_magic_var1:

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Sea Curses are the purest form of magic that humans can use. They’re not just based on elements, they can also be based on abstract concepts, like Randal’s.

I doubt there’s any possible regular magic out there that can function like Randal’s sea curse.

all magics have a curse counter part but not all curses have a magic counter part.

it’s still plausible to add it as a type of magic, im personally indifferent about it but i can see myself gimmicking stuff around it.

this too

Which is why it would just be control of plants and not living through them and seeing through them

It entirely depends on whether Randal’s curse is elemental and i assumed it was since he was able to turn himself into it.

Life Magic:

Right, those ones are called external curses. Such as absorption, Lazarus, shockwave and possibly growth (not sure)

There isn’t a magic for every curse. As you mentioned in the reply above me, there’re many existing external curses that have never been mentioned to have a magic counterpart

even if it is elemental that doesn’t automatically mean that a magic counterpart exists for it; while it’s the case that all magics we know of are counterparts to elemental curse, it doesn’t have to mean that all elemental curses have a magic

even the control of plants seems pretty different than how most elemental magics function imo

Then creation and manipulation of vines is a better way to put it.
The magic would most likely be a vine based magic and thats not too far fetched considering there is wood magic (wood is a part of a living thing)

Because external curses don’t have magic counterparts

Is growth curse an external curse


Well then a vine magic would make sense

Ok and

Wym and

What do you expect me to do with that information

Whatever u want to do with the information. I dont have to give you a tutorial on how to use it do I

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You come into a thread, say 2 things, and say “Ok and” when someone says something to continue the conversation.

Real L attitude

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They asked a question

I answered the question

They asked a follow up question

I answered the follow up question

They reply with “well then a vine magic would make sense”

wtf do you want me to say, I said ok and because it makes sense and they didn’t really do anything with that. I was expecting smth like “I’m gonna suggest it”