So i will be posting new tips and tricks videos into here for gun warriors or for overall gun users bellow as time passes and updates release i will release new videos about tips and tricks for gun warriors, gunlords (warlord guns) and gunconj (gun conjurer)
Countering Classes (v1.17)
Movement tips (v1.17)
Combos for guns (v1.17)
Gunlord Tips and tricks (v1.17)
(coming whenever i have enough experience)
As a gun warrior myself, I extend my thanks to you.
Not that it’ll make any difference, since I suck anyway, but I appreciate it.
the robot voice over arcane odyssey music with random memes is tickling my brain
lol mb i am trying to find a way to make my mic work in these videos
im FIENDING for more gun skills once theyre complete im ditching atl mace and triasta
as someone trying to learn to play with nothing but guns i thank you
i have an american lightning conjurer wielding bronze musket, bronze flintlocks, and plunderers all tempered for maximum dps
got any pro tips for aim training?
good aim usually comes from muscle memory alone so i did try doing aimlabs on steam and doing the set courses has all you have to do is make the aim labs account and go into voltaic and type your username to track your progress.
Other from that it comes naturally as you practice
I use plunders on savant to punish end lag or modes (which will help with aim in general)
Yeah well heads up because alot of pvp nerds are gonna say “erm you endlag abuse!
” even though they do the same thing (its in my pvp vid channels)
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People actually say that? Aint no way ypu get hits without startup/endlag
its possible but needs alot of consentration
We when accidentally solution:
Me after endlag abusing the hell out of everyone
PvP nerds just complain about everything in general lol (speaking from experience)
wtf is this genuinely a complaint people have
the central concept that pvp revolves around in ao is “abused”?
actually such sad losers
anyway to stay more on topic, any tips for landing musket m1s? (currently just a piercing shot demon)