Guys, i joined yesterday on a wom server, so it happened this:

Idk why but well, as you can see in this… have some new stats that I never saw lol

ah but 0 in everything. Get 10 in everything.

also why do you have 1039 hp at lvl 1?

I could not, im alrdy have max lvl and good stats but bugged for some reason idk why

hmmmmm perhaps vetex is beginning.


Nvm im joined now, everything is fine i think is just a small server bug lol

happens every now and then nothing we haven’t seen before

Yeah, i had never seen these stats: Drawback, insanity and warding lol

1000 stat red leather armor
have you ever stumbled on this piece of equipment before? perchance?

Trade for 5 crowns?

LMAO i can say that is the most op piece of equipment that i have ever seen…

Thats a bad deal, let me introduce mine… old boot for one.

wow i guess warding drawback and insanity were actually in wom just unimplemented

for the Rank F thing, thats how you were classed like starter/novice/apprentice etc back in 2020

I don’t care what anyone says but wearing this would instantly make you the best pvper no matter the magic or weapon.
Everything on there is broken except defense. The Insanity might kill you though.

is this real or ghost item

oh thats a good observation point about warding drawback and insanity

dont think thats their actual health, most likely whats being shown is the ui how it is in studio before any scripts are run on it to make it show your inventory and stats and things

No, that is my actual health from my max account

that’s what you saw before on previous picture its just a game glitch

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that armor is ass you wouldn’t be able to do anything with the insanity and drawback