Has anyone looked at gamehero's profile?!

What happened to him?! Why did he leave?!!

I believe they mentioned why in the “why do pve players always victimize themselves” thread from yesterday

Dang :pensive:
At the rate we’re going, the forums will be a ghost town by the end of the month. Everyone seems to be leaving at once.

At least we still have loki

Turns out when a game is actually miserable to play no one wants to stick around

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That’s fair. I’m just too into the lore to leave now, I barely even play the game anymore.

rip, hope he returns one day

I’m only here because there is some people I like here, otherwise I would have left ages ago

I likely will never stop posting art here. AO has a long way to go still.


“I don’t play” roblox anymore I don’t feel the same rage as yall

im here to post about random non ao things

Off Topic is my favorite category

Hello everyone!

Okay, so; I’m not going to be participating in discussions and the like from now on. And I’m going to stay logged out of my account unless I have something to actually post (art and writing). I’m done with Arcane Odyssey and the discourse in the community—it’s exhausting to see both the arguments and the blatant arrogance of the Developer driving the game into the ground.

You’ll see me when I have personal projects to post here, and maybe as I reply to things shortly after posting said projects. But barring such instances, I will not be interacting with this forum anymore. I apologize, but I would rather not expend any further mental energy on a place tied to what I believe to be a doomed game. Thank you all for your concern.


I wish you best of luck in your future endeavors. Have fun wherever you go.

the one person i considered my equal.

a shame.

oh nvm this is literally just what i’ve been doing (mostly)

i will continue to watch your thread with great interest

I genuinely fail to understand what makes vetex think he has to keep doing things this way.
It isn’t making him happy, it isn’t making us happy, its driving off his playerbase, and it is harming the gameplay in every conceivable way.

A big part of the good part of this community has been replaced by people with no personality whatsoever beyond their competition to be the biggest asshole.

Was that the goal? Are these the people we’re catering to now?

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I dont feel liek i have much ground to respond to this, since i havent been playing arcane odyssey for as long as mamy of thr others, and i ahve not even been on the forums for a year, hur i totally agree eith this. I think it just boils down to vetex being to stubborn to back down and “give the haters their way” but it isnt really working for anyone. He just keeps doublign down and nothing changes.

I am also sad to see gamehero go, you were one of my favourite forumers (despite the cact we never really interacted much)

I love ao cutscenes

wait what did Vetex do?

I don’t usually follow development or AO news what happened.