(Headless has been donated) Will be donating a headless head, give me a good reason in the comments why it should be given to you

i already have one i need another :hungry:

Um tbh I’m a noob . And I’m thinking of giving it to my brother for a surprise! Or i’m prob going to give it my bff! i rly dont want it but i wanna mostly give it to my brother for a surprise

Because a

give me so I can give it to someone else :swag:
Give me the donated one ez

Unfortunate :man_shrugging:

healdess is a very cool and original item wich can create a lot of avatar to make people look cool , like you since your litteraly giving away those op item . I dont know what i could say to deserve these item even tho you are the one who hardly get them , i could say that im respectful and would never forget you if i get one of these headless head

…Dude it has been donated already


this cat will approve your generosity

but for real, give it to someone who has very good reason
oh its been donated swag

I know you said people over 4 can’t ask but the headless wouldn’t be for me. It would be for a friend of mine who wants to one, I decided to get him one but after getting it I got attached due to the time and energy I spent. As a result of that I promised to trade him my next headless.

Wow, am late

Because I feel like I need it

Nope, you can get the donated headless if you find the person who got it :swag:

Gimmi cus why not :wink: ( i also won’t rick roll you)

Ok ok I changed the title a bit so it’s more obvious it has been donated

Why i should get one?
i dont even know
maybe vanity?
maybe value?
eh i guess that when you get to that level there is nothing left but who knows maybe im wrong

its goodbye already :frpensive:

give me headless

None, I suck

I wanna die. Please cut off my head and make me headless, Thank you.