Headless offer (overpay i think)

I can’t get on right now though.

is 5:00 P.M mountain time good for you?

6pm in my time, i should be able to

we could also do 4:30. I’ll be on then.

wheres my 10% tax bro, i got you this deal by bumping it smh smh

you can have a hard vastira

I just forgot he had a hard Sunken helmet. I was in the process of thinking about the deal.

i swear to fucking god

i have a fucking personal vandetta against hard vastiras I FUCKING HAVE 4 AND IM HAVING 0 FUCKING LUCK DOING JACK SHIT WITH THEM GRAHHHHERWUHAWERH

also i was joking keep ur vastira

i have the same thing but with sturdy wojs, I GOT FUCKING 5 STURDY WOJS IN A FUCKING ROW AND ITS ONLY A 50% CHANCE

same time zone??? :exploding_head:

cant deny the fact that mountain time is based

you have 4??

brooooooooo my guy frrr :handshake::handshake::handshake:

ive said this like 39 fucking times by now but ages ago i enchanted a bunch of wojs as i was grinding and i got FUCKING 6 IN A ROW then 1 hard and STURDY AGAIN AFTER NOOOOOO

yes i have 4 and i think it was from me enchanting like 4 5 vastiras and i got 3 hard or sumn

Throw in hard sunken helmet and ill trade you one of mine

istg whoever said it was a 50% chance is a fucking liar

sorry you missed it i got a better deal


holy shit, mister farty man accepting a headless offer that doesnt include 43 sunken swords no way :scream:

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maybe once i get more sunkens, i’ve had so much luck fishing so why abandon it now?