Typ0’s inescapable purgatory of doodles (every time this gets bumped I made new art)

I am mad.

finally I can add more art later today hopefully of stuff I drew

I feel your pain lol
My shitposts do better than my Art…
Though to be fair I draw maps, which is a somewhat niche interest so it’s to be expected.

Edit :
Ironically this post about me venting about how my shitposts do better than my art, did better than a good portion of my art.


Wood gaming

head practice

Some extras


Oof second image blurry asf lol

Prob for better

I have also decided to use one of the heads in the first image for

p h a s e 1

“wake up babe, new artist on the forum”



I really need to get my digital art going…

does anyone have tips for making bodies?

use reference, can be real life or art, depends on your choice

break down the reference into simple shapes like circle or square, whichever you like



how would you go about designing a robot body?

my apology, i dont have any experience on that so i cant give you any advice

perhap look up some reference to take inspiration ?

this word…

no matter where i go in the art world…

i see it’s face

well, you can just use your imagination if you like, it’s just easier to use your imagination if you, you know, know what you want to imagine look like

I have a really weird phenomenon where I can probably imagine the layout of a nuclear bomb perfectly in my head, or the blueprints for a fully operational mechsuit.

and when I try to draw / recreate it in real life.

I end up making chicken scratch / some abomination that belongs in deviantart under the same category as sonic fart fetish art

eh same but for writing

Welp to google I go for inspiration!!!

Damn, surprisingly this came out super well, I only really used construction lines for the head, but general I think next time it might be better to practice good art habits and do construction lines for the body.

Anyways, here it is:


The tail looks a bit sideways ngl, anyone else notice this?