Hey nerds, it's me Elroy Barion

I know I know, the name Elroy Barion is lame. I’m probably going to change it to something poggers. I’m a light magic user and my stats are 68 power and 334 defense. I donated 550 robux to this game and I’m looking forward to Arcane Odyssey. I’m not really a big trader, I have a sunken sword and a headless head (along with a vastira) as my 3 most valueable items. I lead a small guild that has no purpose other than bringing peace to Magius. I’m planning on creating a new guild for when I get a new last name and I want my future name to be Stephen (idk).
oh yea im kinda late on this lmao
rblx user: s_urchin

wom user: Elroy Barion


Welcome to the forums, your current objective? Survive

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welcome to hell, you were sent here for a reason


da bomba new too

welcome, please remember to go on off topic and no where else except art maybe