Honour (The Rebellion, Chapter Three)

“That design on your robes… What does it mean? Another merc guild hired by the MC, perhaps?” The old Alalean sentinel asked, looking pointedly at the logo sewn onto Luneth’s robes.

Blood began to trickle down Luneth’s face as the wound on his forehead made itself known. He shook his head. Partly to clear his mind, partly to refute the sentinel’s statement. “We would’ve opposed you regardless of the MC’s action. Your empire is being built on the blood, bones, and tears of the people that you monsters take advantage of. That isn’t strength, it’s tyranny.”

The sentinel’s gaze hardened. For a moment, Luneth could see fear and shame in the old man’s eyes.

The man rushed forwards; swinging his spear in a wide arc. Luneth hopped back to avoid the attack; only to feel a blinding pain as he was launched backwards and sliced by the kinetic energy that it left in its wake.

“That… Is only temporary. Once we conquer all of Magius, the emperor will surely loosen his grip upon the people. Those who worked for the good of the empire will surely be rewarded.” His eyes softened as he gazed down upon Luneth. “Stay down, child. Your story doesn’t need to end here. You can be part of something greater. More than the MC could ever achieve.”

Luneth leaped into the air and answered the sentinel’s offer with a beam of concentrated light magic. Onlookers were blinded by the sudden flash. The sentinel disappeared in the cloud of dust that followed. Before rushing out and charging with his spear once again.

Luneth conjured a shield of light. Absorbing the blow. Before countering with a flash of light; blinding the man. He then followed up with another beam to the chest. The man staggered back, but Luneth wouldn’t let up. He sent blast after blast through the hole in the man’s thick armour.

“ENOUGH!!” The man shouted as he blocked a blast with his shield before charging forwards once again.

Luneth dodged to the side and countered with another blast. “You understand that’ll never happen, right? Your emperor is a tyrant. Once you rule with an iron fist, you can’t get rid of it that easily. The power, it corrupts you. A single strong leader can’t be trusted to run a nation, much less an entire empire.”

“You. Are. WRONG!” The man shouted as he desperately tried to land a blow against Luneth.

“Am I?! Or are you still insisting on clinging to ideals that you still don’t follow?! Why do you follow him?! Why do you allow innocent people to suffer while the high and mighty live in their castles and mansions?!” Luneth said as he hit the man with yet another beam.

The sentinel leaped back, and looked Luneth dead in the eye. “You think it’s that simple? What I want means nothing. I am honour bound to the emperor. His father saved my life… He brought me out of poverty, gave me a home, and, more importantly, he gave me a purpose. He believed in the principals of justice and honour. Which I follow to this day. On his death bed, he asked me to serve his son unfalteringly, and I do as the late King Arceus commanded. ‘To protect and guide my son’ is what he asked… Thus, I have done so.”

“I see…” Luneth said, his eyes drilling into the other man’s soul. “Then you have failed him, completely and utterly.”


“He asked you to not only protect, but GUIDE his son through the turmoil of being a leader. Yet what have you done? Nothing. You aren’t by his side, you aren’t protecting him, and you certainly aren’t guiding him.” Luneth said, scowling.


“Yes. You serve not as his shield, but as his spear. Stabbing through those who would want nothing to do with his tyrannical rule. You haven’t taught Arceus’ son ANYTHING about honor or justice. You allowed the grief of his father’s death to taint his heart. Soon, he sought nothing but revenge on a world that took his father from him. YOU caused this. YOU made him this way. YOU allowed him to harm innocents and break the code of honour that you so desperately cling to.”

The man fell to his knees. Tears silently drifting down his face as he realized what he had caused through inaction. “You…”

“There is more than one way to break someone, captain. Violence is crude, and unreliable. The emperor doesn’t understand the limitations of violence, we can use this to our advantage. Switch sides, join us. Together, we can make Emperor Nova see the light of the world again.”

The old guard looked up at Luneth and smiled. “I’m sorry, child. But I have failed in my one duty… My honour as a knight is tarnished. There is only one thing that I can do to fix it now.” The captain raised his spear-

“NO!” Luneth shouted

-and drove it directly into his own chest. Right through the hole that Luneth’s beam had created in his armour.

“Goodbye child, and good luck.” The captain wheezed out, as he blew out his final breath.

“Luneth, we have to go.” Salvadore said, running out of an alleyway.
Luneth took one last look at the captain’s corpse, and nodded. Following Salvadore through the city as the final explosive detonated. The massive gate crumbled around them as they ran out of the city.