How do I get axe slash and whats the easiest way to get it


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Ash slash can be found in these ways:

  • Sealed Chests and lost cargo at a 1/60 chance
  • Treasure chests and scroll chests at a 1/600 chance
  • Treasure and scroll chests given from treasure charts at a 1/400 chance

also what about pulsar (im not a mage but just wondering)

also by lost cargo you mean the ones you find in the sea and salvage right?

Pulsate, vindicator and axe slash all have the same rates

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whats vindicator

Rare weapon, a big hammer with a sapphire gem

I mean, if you’re looking for one I could just trade it, I’ve got a bunch of them anyways

i dont have anything good in my inv

what would be considered worth an axe slash scroll

Just have it, i’ll take most enchantment scrolls as long as they’re not amplified/lucky/magnetic

username is kkryomancer, cryo#7342 if you wish to get it now

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