How good will light + crystal be as a combo?

So one of the more major changes to the elemental magics that have been added to AO is the fact that light synergises with crystal now. it deals 25% more damage against a crystalized target. This is very huge, since light is such a fast magic, with the buff you’d be able to outdamage earth’s damage. (I believe this gives you 1.03 impact damage).

Now I wanna know, how powerful would this combo be hypothetically? and what would the best build be for it? I’m planning to run a simple mage file, but if you have other ideas please share them.

bonus: what’s the best color scheme in your opinion between :light_magic_var1: and :crystal_magic_var1:

here’s some of my favorite ideas, no idea what I wanna pick though:

:crystal_magic_var4: :light_magic_var1:
:crystal_magic_var2: :light_magic_var2:
:crystal_magic_var7: :light_magic_var2:
:crystal_magic_var5: :light_magic_var1:
(ngl sustone looks kinda wonky so maybe not)

:light_magic_var2::crystal_magic_var4: Or :crystal_magic_var5: :light_magic_var1:

About be a good combo , Probably not with crystal ,

But yes Light will be good with all magics when you use it right , because you can blind the enemy and spam some blast.


I don’t mean to sound antagonizing but like

light really sucks with several magics

notably :ice_magic_var1: and the obvious :shadow_magic:

“and spam some blast”

you can do that with any kind of magic.

I don’t get your reasoning as to why it’s bad.

I’m not implying your straight up wrong but there’s some things here that just don’t make sense or aren’t relevant.

thanks for the colors though I guess.

I might use emerald crystal I’m gonna be real, this seems like a nice color combo:

:crystal_magic_var2: :light_magic_var2:

Its good because you can blind users , only because this.

I don’t like it much , but Do what you want , Don’t care about my opinion

I don’t think you’ve ever actually used light before from this sentence.

there’s something oddly charming about it, and I don’t know why…

though this seems cooler

:crystal_magic_var4: :light_magic_var1:

Probably because , You don’t need follow what i want or like
Its still your life , you can use whatever you want me liking or not

Only a tester could know how good it is, since we’ve never even seen the combo yet and can only theorize thus far

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well, light’s ungodly speed is practically hitscan, so imagine an earth blast, but, fast.

and landing 1 layer of crystalized wouldn’t be that hard in theory when you think about it

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