How hard do you think the Minotaur Boss will be to beat?

I’m hoping he’s harder than the current bosses/mini-bosses in the game, but from the look of Vetex’s posts so far it seems that he could be easy, although it’s uncertain as of now since it’s just a sneak peek.

I hope he has a ranged move like an axe throw too, so that he has ranged options.

he is a guy with a axe and without magic,we can cheese him lol

Unless he can do a spammy thing with his axe
then he’s gonna be really hard

my only wish for Mino is that he’s slow and deals like 1/2 of your hp if you get hit
his attacks are gonna be really predictable tho
cause he’s just an early game boss
I also hope that his fight isn’t gonna be crammed inside of a tiny room like Marua in AA
and Unlike Marua I hope he isn’t gonna get an annoying AOE move that he spams every 5 seconds.

I think people would found a way to cheese him like King David
and the same strategy to King David if not cheese

You can see how the fight looks like here:

He has roughly the hp of KDS, but is more mobile because he has unique moves.
In my opinion I think it’s definitely fun, but idk about the difficulty. And unfortunately the attacks you see hit deal <200 damage.

Hmm could this be the first weapon with two special abilities?

We may be able to cheese him. Doesn’t look like he can jump as high as one of the trees.

look, this guy is much more mobile than KDS or the captains, KDS being the highest level npc in the game currently, he’s quick and his attacks destroy terrain, which will be tricky
he has unique attacks
he has 3000 health
and as seen in the video, he does some large damage
it’s no surprise that this’ll be pretty hard - much harder than the npc’s which we are able to cheese and kill
he is still mostly melee asides from the axe throw, so he’s still hard, but not insanely difficult to beat

looked tough but then he started doing 200 dmg every 0.2 seconds

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From the video the boss doesn’t seem brutally hard, but not brain-dead either.

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he also seems to have 250 - 300 lv

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Bro have you even seen dOg’s video yet? He literally slashed the boss down by a third of its hp using heavy hits in the span of 5 seconds.

Easy? I think so.

yeah he literally could’ve killed the minotaur in the first 30 seconds, but i guess he was trying to make it look harder than it was to showcase its abilities

There’s now a video showcasing how it may look like. But remember; you can start the Storyline once you reach Level 30. 30.
The video showcased the fight at Level 80. But the thing is, you can probably fight him at Level 30 (if you can continue throught the Prologue as a lvl 30 chara and don’t have to level up to progress each part-), which can probably be like HELL when trying to fight him, lmao.
I think it mainly depends on which level you are and your gear. Those are definitely important factors when it comes to fighting him.

I hope that the minotaur will be EXTREMELY difficult (King david silver to captain level difficult) to beat so we finally get a real challenge.
But in Dogs video he looked pretty easy.

I think it will be difficult, tho what i’m thinking about its if we can take his Battle Axe! and i think it will be too OP if he does have long range attacks